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Mulholland Drive
None Yet 0 Points 2001
Reversal of For...
None Yet 0 Points 1990
None Yet 0 Points 2003
The Nines
Bad 2 Points 2007

I was pretty much lost through out this entire movie. Ryan did a great job playing his PARTS and you can see he is struggling to make sense of things (as I was) and I’m glad to see him do something a little more serious but I wish he’d made a better chose to change roles with. The ending totall…

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I Know Who Kill...
Pretty Bad 16 Points 2007

Aubrey Fleming (Lohan) is an intelligent girl with the support of her kind and fairly well off parents, Susan (Ormond) and Daniel (McDonough). She had won the young artists award for piano in the past and has been taking lessons from Art (Bell) for quite some time. However, Aubrey decides that pl…

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The House on Te...
OK 66 Points 1951

The House on Telegraph Hill is a triumph of art direction. That’s good. It’s also unintentionally campy. That’s bad. The result is a just OK movie, yet one that belongs in the San Francisco Cinema Hall of Fame.

The views are marvelous. And the views are the thing with San Francisco real…

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WikChip Image Grt Views, Lrg House, fake Telegraph ...
Closed Circuit
OK 3 Points 2013

I took my wife to another movie that did not star Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchette, Eva Mendes, Marissa Tomei, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Ryan Gosling or Phillip Seymour Hoffman and it was called Closed Circuit. You must do these things to remember why you appreciate a fine performa…

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The Maze Runner
OK 17 Points 2014

An old school science fiction story that lacks a little in execution but keeps your interest. It kind of felt like Peter Pan and his pack of boys figuring out life without adults – except that it involves not just living, but organization of duties and figuring out an inexplicable maze. A decen…

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OK 83 Points 2016

Plodding, pretentious and predictable aren’t the attributes of high quality SciFi. Yet Arrival has been bathed in positive reviews. Amy Adams’ laudable performance notwithstanding, this praise is seriously mistaken. OK, perhaps I’d be less strident about this if the high marks hadn’t led me to …

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WikChip Image Weak Visuals
The Witch
OK 17 Points 2015

The acting is great, and Anya Taylor-Joy sure is cute, but there isn’t enough “there there” to save The Witch. What is supposed to be a scary witch-flick set where it is supposed to be: creepy dark woods in 1700’s new England, the movie just ends up being too slow and meandering, with a climax…

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