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Rhonda's Review

Created Jan 31, 2008 12:59PM PST • Edited Jan 31, 2008 12:59PM PST

  1. Quality
  2. Bad 1.0

    I was pretty much lost through out this entire movie. Ryan did a great job playing his PARTS and you can see he is struggling to make sense of things (as I was) and I’m glad to see him do something a little more serious but I wish he’d made a better chose to change roles with. The ending totally left me confused.

  3. OK 2.5

    Ryan plays three different people through out the film and plays each part well. There’s a good chemistry between Ryan and McCarthy.

  4. Male Stars Good 3.0

    I love to see Ryan Reynolds in his wise ass roles but he has the ability to take serious roles and his acting in The Nines shows us that.

  5. Female Stars Good 3.0

    Melissa McCarthy also playing 3 seperate roles does a fairly good job.

  6. Female Costars Good 3.0
  7. Male Costars OK 2.5
  8. Good 3.0
  9. Direction Very Good 3.5

    John Austin did a great job just keeping everything straight and me totally confused.

  10. Play Good 3.0


  11. Music Good 3.0
  12. Visuals Very Good 3.5
  13. Content
  14. Risqué 1.8
  15. Sex Titillating 2.1
  16. Violence Gentle 1.2
  17. Rudeness Salty 2.1
  18. Glib 2.0

    This all depends on which story you’re talking about. Some of them were totally believable.

  19. Circumstantial Surreal 2.9
  20. Biological Surreal 2.1

    The entire movie was surreal except for the end which was total fantasy.

  21. Physical Natural 1.0


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