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Donnie Darko
Really Great 48 Points 2001

So much to love about Jake Gyllenhaal’s Donnie Darko: The sarcasm and irreverence involved in telling Donnie’s schizophrenic story is darkly funny, the macabre occurrences, inept culture, and solid 80’s soundtrack weirdly glue things together to weave a great movie together, but you need the sto…

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Dial M for Murder
Good 66 Points 1954

Dial M for Murder is lesser Hitchcock, yet worth watching for its classic tropes, timeless title and for Grace Kelly. But, the convoluted and constrained plot is insufficiently removed from its stage play roots.

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WikChip Image Hitch loved blond: Grace Kelly's Gold...
Devil In A Blue...
Great 66 Points 1995

Devil In A Blue Dress is a twofer: a damn good neo-noir movie and an excellent 1940s L.A. period piece, from an African-American POV. Throw in a prime Denzel Washington performance and you’ve got a great movie, one that stands the test of time. Pity they never made a sequel.

Taken from Walte…

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WikChip Video Denzel on Devil In A Blue Dress
Closed Circuit
OK 3 Points 2013

I took my wife to another movie that did not star Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchette, Eva Mendes, Marissa Tomei, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Ryan Gosling or Phillip Seymour Hoffman and it was called Closed Circuit. You must do these things to remember why you appreciate a fine performa…

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  • Wick – Regarding "Tripod's Review":
None Yet 0 Points 1974
Perfect 66 Points 1963

What we have here is movie magic sans modern FX. Instead Charade conjures its allure from a couple of nonpareil moviestars delivering sparkling dialog in an idealized Paris while a seductive theme song plays in the background. Such an intoxicating mix makes it easy to fall in love with Cary Gr…

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WikChip Video Moviestar Magic Incarnate
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  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Really Great 83 Points 2008

Polish up the acceptance speeches. Changeling deserves a passel of trophies, though Best Picture isn’t one of them. The difficult story – while expertly told – ends up a mildly exhausting slog, one not worth enduring for anyone not wanting to visualize the most elemental of maternal nightmare…

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Blue Velvet
Good 66 Points 1986

Claimed a demented masterpiece by many, this soul-sick thriller oozes style, charisma and perverted action. Sadly, it lacks continuity, is overly affected and revels in juxtaposing drug addled wickedness with small town goodness.

Worth seeing – if you have a strong stomach – for Dennis Hopper’…

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WikChip Image He's a bad, bad man.
Perfect 8 Points 2008

This movie is not only a mystery, but definately a sort of thriller. An illness that spreads and yet has no origin and no explination. That’s a scarey thought.

This movie is based on the novel by José Saramago.

The movie is about people going blind in a random fashion. The only one that…

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Before I Go to ...
None Yet 0 Points 2014