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Tell No One
Really Great 66 Points 2006

This terrific thriller is slyly engaging at the outset, then tremendously tense and intriguing for the duration, the sort of movie that has you intensely talking about it – working through the twists and turns – after leaving the theater.

French heartthrob Guillaume Canet is to be commended fo…

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The Intouchables
OK 66 Points 2011

The Intouchables clearly plays better in its native France than to we Americans. There it is a cultural sensation that bridges the divide between an immigrant underclass and wealthy patricians, the former living in bleak suburban projects, the latter in central Paris. Featuring big French sta…

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WikChip Image "You're going to buy that?!"
Point Blank
Great 66 Points 2010

Point Blank – a thriller on rails – pauses briefly in 84 minutes of run time, but only briefly. Otherwise it propels forward, crazed yet plausible in the moment.

The big picture is insane, of course. A male nurse and his gorgeous wife revel in the impending birth of their first child, no…

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WikChip Video The movie moves just as fast as the t...
Marriage Italia...
Perfect 66 Points 1964

A pre-sexual revolution Italian trifle, Matrimonio All’Italiana packs a considerevole punch 50 years on.

Consider Sophia Loren – in her prime. Screen sirens come no hotter or more joyous.
Just 30 when Marriage Italian Style was made, she plays 17 stunningly and 37 powerfully.


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WikChip Image Sophia Loren's Filumena, fully grown
The White Ribbon
Perfect 66 Points 2010

This dazzling German movie shows the sociological antecedents of Nazism in ways both fresh and timeless. A penetrating societal examination unprecedented in its knowingness, it would be a landmark no matter which nation it examined. That it elucidates the generation of Germans who grew up to fo…

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WikChip Image Hand Kissing: Minimal Family Affection
2 Replies
  • Wick – It's like a real life horror movie. Some reviewers ...
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2248-the-wh...
Mesrine: Killer...
Very Good 66 Points 2010

France et le Québec endured Jacques Mesrine’s spectacular 1960s and 70s criminal career, anointing him a media sensation in the process. The first half of this too-big-for-a-single-movie story gets told in Mesrine: Killer Instinct, the concluding chapters in Mesrine: Public Enemy #1:…

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WikChip Video Anti-hero: "Nobody kills me until I s...
The Spanish Apa...
Very Good 66 Points 2002

How to make a pleasant French sex comedy? Drop half a dozen attractive young singles into one apartment, ideally in a mildly exotic city. Occasionally drop in a boyfriend or girlfriend from back home and mix in a lonely wife living nearby.

Voilà! L’Auberge Espagnole, a European hit that w…

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WikChip Image A lesbian teaches a guy to seduce a girl
Russian Dolls
Very Good 66 Points 2005

Goodbye Barcelona. Russian Dolls sends the Euro dudes and dudettes from The Spanish Apartment to London, Paris and St. Petersburg, with a side trip for clubbing in Moscow. Fairly steady sexual tension and plenty of mildly amusing romantic hijinks make it an entertaining trip, one that’s set…

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WikChip Image A lesbian becomes a dude's best friend
Waltz with Bashir
Perfect 66 Points 2008

The hell of war gets chronicled as never before in this stylistic and thematic breakthrough of a movie. Animated though vividly realistic, this grunt’s-eye view of war and its post-traumatic aftermath stands as a postmodern masterpiece, taking its place alongside fictional accounts like "Apocaly…

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WikChip Video Golden Globe acceptance by Ari Folman
Broken Embraces
Great 66 Points 2009

Penélope Cruz plays the object of desire for two powerful men, a handsome filmmaker and a rapacious businessman, in Broken Embraces. Hmm, Pedro Almodóvar’s latest creation includes more than a little wish fulfillment, doesn’t it: He projects himself as the virile lover of his muse and conjures…

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WikChip Image Kept Woman on the Verge of a Breakdown