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Pirates of the ...
Great 28 Points 2006

Not so much a film as it a series of interesting characters, settings, and ideas weddged together in seemingly random order with just enough of a convoulted plot so that it all barely makes sense. However it still entertains. Not as good as the first but better than third only because the thrid h…

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Pirates of the ...
Perfect 9 Points 2003

A movie based on a ride should never be this good. The jokes shouldn’t work this well. Depp shouldn’t have been able to put forth such a solid performance. But it all worked. Every last bit of this movie just…worked. The key, I think, is that it never takes itself too seriously. This movi…

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None Yet 0 Points 1986
The Ice Pirates
None Yet 0 Points 1984
The Buccaneer
None Yet 0 Points 1958
The Crimson Pirate
None Yet 0 Points 1952
Captain Pirate
None Yet 0 Points 1952
The Pirate
None Yet 0 Points 1948
The Buccaneer
None Yet 0 Points 1938
The Black Pirate
None Yet 0 Points 1926