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Great 66 Points 2005

Wonderful movie about a boy and his cheetah. Heartfelt, sufficiently realistic and not sappy. Bravo.

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Great 68 Points 2002

M. Night Shyamalan peaked with Signs. Wonderfully creepy and magnificently manipulative, it’s a self-consciously old-school scary movie. Even this non-horror fan enjoyed it.

Mel Gibson’s Muted Max performance anchors writer-director Shyamalan’s achingly heavy story. Leading a great cast…

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WikChip Image Charismatically great acting: Gibson ...
Great 78 Points 2002

A rich swamp of a movie, Adaptation teems with genres and ideas, truths and lies, self-referential irony and – not least – outstanding acting. A Florida swamp containing a rare orchid gestates the interlocking stories of a crazed plant dealer, the New Yorker writer who falls for him and the …

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WikChip Image Mellow Meryl after she's had the good...
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Dark Shadows
Great 83 Points 2012

There’s lots to sink your teeth into – lots to like and chew over – in the reimagining of Dark Shadows. Camp-classic TV soap opera, it stands up to eccentric genius Tim Burton’s silver screen amplification.
Who cares that the LOLs are a bit strained.

Chortles count as laughs and *Dark Shad…

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WikChip Image Supernatural Sex: Was it good for you?
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Great 83 Points 2012

Wow. Few contemporary dramas are as fully realized, involving and insightful as the unfortunately titled Margaret. Title aside, the movie’s other negative is a two and a half hour running time, and that’s for the version available from iTunes and Amazon. Apparently there’s also a three hour …

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WikChip Image Pacquin acting out. Damon allowing it.
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Margot at the W...
Great 83 Points 2007

Nicole Kidman goes to her estranged sister’s wedding. Jennifer Jason Leigh, said brilliant and beautiful sister, is marrying Jack Black, a buffoon who spectacularly overestimates himself. Classic Jack Black.

Speaking of spectacular, Kidman’s Margot is a spectacularly successful fiction write…

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WikChip Image Who says you can't go home again?
There Will Be B...
Great 104 Points 2007

Great – if sadly flawed – exploration of the early California oil industry, dramatized through the exploits of an entrepreneurial ogre. A Chinatown for Oil, the movie serves as fascinating Golden State period piece and socialist screed, decrying the imagined crimes of tycoons as it celebrates …

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  • Wick – Regarding "Wolfman898's Review":/movie_reviews/1697-...
  • Wick – First of all, my apologies if an alert went out twic...
Great 83 Points 1988

A rare kid’s comedy that also succeeds at the adult level, Big is truly a movie for the whole family. Well, for everyone from teens on up, as the adult elements include F-bombs and heavy titillation.

The kids-of-all-ages comedy comes from a 13-year-old who is magically transformed into a 32…

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WikChip Image Movie Magic: Hanks & Loggia play piano
Great 83 Points 1979

Quadrophenia stands on its own from Quadrophenia, the Who’s great rock opera from whence it sprang. For starters, the movie’s considerable spoken dialog means it’s not an opera. And while many of the album’s songs are used, not all are and they’re augmented by a few created for the movie.

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WikChip Image Riding up in front of a hundred faces...
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Summer Hours
Great 66 Points 2008

A finely observed familial drama about siblings dealing with the death of their mother and the disposition of their museum-like childhood home, Summer Hours disdains standard movie drama. It’s edgeless, a film for two mature cohor…

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WikChip Image Mother and Daughter of Privilege