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Battle: Los Ang...
Barely OK 22 Points 2011

I’m a sucker for Humans v Alien movies, and when the humans are Marines, I’m a goner! One of my all time favorites of this genre is Starship Troopers. Battle of LA taps in to that same Hoo-Rah! Get them! emotion. It has sort of an aliens in Mogadishu feel. Although it has plenty of moments …

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Back to the Fut...
Perfect 9 Points 1990

Of both the sequels to the 1985 classic Back to the Future, this is my favorite of the two. For me, it has more of a “I can watch this again and again value.” Like part 2, it picks up where the predecessor left off. Marty heads to the wild wild west to find Doc and get back to 1985, whilst keepin…

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Back to the Fut...
Really Great 9 Points 1989

While it doesn’t live up to the greatness of the first film(which was a tough act to follow), Back to the Future Part II is still remains one of the most beloved sequels ever and while it isn’t my favorite of the trilogy, it still makes an enjoyable fun adventurous thrillride. Filled with much of…

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Back to the Future
Perfect 9 Points 1985

One question I’ve always asked is “What would life be like without Back to the Future?” Robert Zemeckis’ masterpiece is an inventive work of genius and is well known by everyone. It has had a large impact on the world of pop culture and the world of cinema. It has been referenced everywhere, in F…

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4 Replies
  • MJ5K – Haha, it'll happen....
  • Wick – Since you brought it up, I went back and revisited "...
  • MJ5K – Thnx Wick, once I give all the Indy movies another f...
  • Wick – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/2...
AVPR: Aliens vs...
Barely OK 11 Points 2007

ALIENS VS. PREDATOR – REQUIEM was, sadly, a disappointment. How on planet earth could filmmakers mess up a simple concept of a duke-out between two alien rivals with two movies? How?!?!?!?! Apparently, center the movie on absolute piece of trash characters who speak wooden, cringe-worthy dialo…

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AVP: Alien Vs. ...
Pretty Awful 8 Points 2004

Why? Why ruin, trash, abuse, and render useless two sci-fi sagas but mashing them into a ball and trying to make money off of that ball, by breaking it into little pieces and selling the fragments?

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  • Wick – Regarding "moviedude's Review":/movie_reviews/2114-a...
Avengers: Endgame
Really Great 66 Points 2019

Endgame doesn’t disappoint, surmounting both high expectations and a lengthy runtime. Marvelous!

Avengers assemble, with each of a dozen getting ten minutes on average to reintroduce themselves. After those two hours they spread out over time – literally over time – taking the movie to its t…

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WikChip Video Seen the movie? Watch the Easter Eggs.
Artificial Inte...
Very Good 12 Points 2001

Not a very original concept anymore, I guess it probably was still borderline novel in 2001 when the movie was created. Haley Joel Osment does a very good job, especially for a child star, acting like a robot. I found the ending entirely dissatisfying though, sorry to say.

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OK 83 Points 2016

Plodding, pretentious and predictable aren’t the attributes of high quality SciFi. Yet Arrival has been bathed in positive reviews. Amy Adams’ laudable performance notwithstanding, this praise is seriously mistaken. OK, perhaps I’d be less strident about this if the high marks hadn’t led me to …

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WikChip Image Weak Visuals
None Yet 0 Points 1990