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Bringing Up Baby
Really Great 66 Points 1938

Screwball romantic-comedies don’t get much better than Bringing Up Baby, “Baby” being a leopard and its adoptive parents a never better Cary Grant & Katherine Hepburn. Three quarters of a century after its premiere, Howard Hawks’ classic remains a delightfully ticklish cinematic confection.

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WikChip Image Kate & Cary as Susan & David
Bride Wars
Really Great 20 Points 2009

What a fun movie! This tale of two best friends coming to blows because of a screwed-up wedding date carries its viewers along on a very funny, and at times saddening, series of events that can only be every woman’s nightmare! This romantic comedy/chick flick is a great one to watch as a date mov…

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Breaking the Waves
None Yet 0 Points 1996
Blue Valentine
Great 83 Points 2011

Everyone’s seen doomed relationships. The one in Blue Valentine is doomed six ways from Sunday.

He drinks too much. She needs more than loves him, while he loves her obsessively. She obsesses on troubles and flaws, her’s mostly. He’s childlike; she’s forced to grow up. Doomed? Oh y…

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WikChip Video Oddly endearing song - and movie.
Blue Is the War...
Good 17 Points 2013

I can’t really remember why I added this to my Netflix queue, probably something about the description of a hot French woman who is trying to figure out her sexuality. That makes perfect sense. Blue tries to get deep about it all by drawing parallels to the lessons Adele (the woman) is learning …

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Blue Hawaii
OK 66 Points 1961

Elvis returns to Hawaii from the Army and proceeds to shake things up with a bunch of girls, his flustered parents and the local tourism industry. Notwithstanding the King’s undying charisma, Blue Hawaii is a disappointing lark, especially since it contains no great songs and lacks a great fem…

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Blind Date
None Yet 0 Points 1987
Big Sur
OK 66 Points 2013

Big Sur destroys Jack Kerouac’s legend, revealing the beatnik icon to be a self-pitying, self-absorbed alky. Generations of young romantics were awestruck by the celebrated author, pining for his life On The Road. I’ve long been one of those romantics, so was eager for a peek. But, as it’s sa…

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WikChip Image Cassady & Kerouac - fake & real
Great 83 Points 1988

A rare kid’s comedy that also succeeds at the adult level, Big is truly a movie for the whole family. Well, for everyone from teens on up, as the adult elements include F-bombs and heavy titillation.

The kids-of-all-ages comedy comes from a 13-year-old who is magically transformed into a 32…

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WikChip Image Movie Magic: Hanks & Loggia play piano
Beyond Borders
None Yet 0 Points 2003