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Kick-Ass 2
Great 66 Points 2013

Kick-Ass 2 could’ve gotten by with Very Good given how beloved Kick-Ass was. Yet it reaches greatness, notwithstanding its horridly extreme edginess: Beware the crap in this movie because it is voluminous.

You end up with a bunch of LOL lines and gags, interspersed with vomit-inducing rudenes…

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WikChip Image Hit-Girl - top-tier super-cute superhero
Justice League
Very Good 83 Points 2017

Justice League isn’t a bad movie, contrary to the professional critics. While hardly a great movie, it is very good and a step above Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, its main forbear. At least, it’s very good fo…

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WikChip Video Aficionado's Delight
Jurassic World:...
Good 83 Points 2018

Chris Pratt’s charisma is nearly as supernatural as the dinosaurs in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, a competent if not especially terrific summer blockbuster. Pretty much every monster phobia gets exploited. However, the people are ploddingly obvious in their actions and not very engaging, sup…

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WikChip Image Iconic Image burned into the mind's eye
Jurassic World 3
None Yet 0 Points 2021
Jurassic World
Really Great 83 Points 2015

Dinosaurs rule the summer 2015 multiplex some twenty years after they first conquered the silver screen. Fact is, no one leaves un-entertained after experiencing Jurassic World, in 3D or not. No wonder then that it’s the biggest movie ever, or at least is off to the biggest opening ever, on its…

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WikChip Video Chris Pratt runs in high heels.
Johnny English ...
OK 17 Points 2018

Rowan Atkinson does his thing in a typically cheesy British spy comedy

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John Wick: Chap...
Very Good 66 Points 2019

I ignored Chapters 1 & 2 of John Wick. No longer, given the positive word of mouth about Chapter 3. That WoM is well earned by the movie itself, which is funny as hell without being a comedy. Plus, Keanu Reeves’ limited ability to recite dialog meets its moment as John Wick, with Parabellum

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WikChip Video All You Need To Know
John Wick: Chap...
None Yet 0 Points 2017
Jason Bourne
Barely OK 66 Points 2016

The only smile triggered by Jason Bourne comes after the very long end credits, where the fine print under a “Green is Universal” logo brags about how this steroidal killfest used Sustainable Filming Practices. So let’s get this straight. After the private jets used by Matt Damon and his large …

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WikChip Image Mighty Matt rocks his upside-down grin.
Jarhead 2: Fiel...
OK 17 Points 2014

Standard war movie fare:  A small group of jarheads against all odds, survive against the Taliban while carrying out an unlikely mission of having to rescue a local female political hero. Decent (albeit mindless) shoot-em-up entertainment is sometimes just what the Dr. ordered for war movie buffs.

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