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House of 1000 C...
Good 10 Points 2003

Describing this movie is almost impossible… all I can say is that this is one F*CKED UP MOVIE. And that’s coming from ME. Rob Zombie has created one of the most sadistically violoent movie in decades, and it’s one hell of a trip. The story isn’t great, but it still is worth the watch.

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Flight of the L...
Very Good 16 Points 2007

A mad scientist leaks a coffin on to a plane in Los Angeles on its way to Paris. This coffin has in it a body which contains a genetically modified virus. The body is able to get out during the flight though. At first no one notices since the plane has been going through storms and turbulence occ…

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Perfect 20 Points 2006

The Robinsons are one of the only families in the neighborhood who don’t own a pet zombie. This is largely because Bill Robinson (Baker) deathly fears them. When he was younger his father turned in to a zombie and he was forced to kill him. Ever since then zombies and his father were subjects t…

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Dawn of the Dead
Really Great 13 Points 1978

Perfect execpt for the scene where a group of people have a piefight with the zombies.

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Dawn Of The Dead
Really Great 21 Points 2004

The best of the recent group of Hollywood remakes, this is a genuinely good genuinely scarey horror film.

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American Zombie
None Yet 0 Points 2007
28 Weeks Later
Really Great 7 Points 2007

Shockingly enough, a great sequel to my favorite not-zombie movie. This one definitely goes bigger, dealing with the early stages of Britain’s repopulation after the Rage virus is supposedly decimated, although no chances are taken and American soldi…(read more)ers man every corner. The plot co…

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