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Riding In Cars ...
Barely OK 5 Points 2001

A melodramatic movie about a teenage girl named Beverly (Drew Barrymore) who becomes pregnant. She marries the drug-addicted father of her child and her life is derailed as a result, leaving her yearning for a better life.

Marketed as a comedy/drama, it really plays more like dark humor, with …

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Tortilla Soup
None Yet 0 Points 2001
Scotland, PA
Good 5 Points 2001

A quirky film that never really seems to rise to it’s full potential, Scotland, PA manages to be entertaining, without taking itself too seriously. Based on William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, about greed, envy and murder, this version is set in a fast-food diner in the 1970’s.

The movie is…

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None Yet 0 Points 1999
Sex and the City
Great 10 Points 1998

HBO is a factory of hit TV shows like Six Feet Under, The Wire, True Blood and Sex and the City. Yes, I’ve come to the conclusion… that I love this show. Is it the ridiculous ways these characters act? The over-exaggerated way these characters view life? Is it the cheesy acting? It’s all of the…

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Twin Town
Very Good 1 Points 1997

Quirky crime drama that although is certainly watchable, never really has anything to say about it’s desperate characters.

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Addicted to Love
OK 5 Points 1997

A quirky and somewhat dark comedy about an astronomer who follows his former fiancee to NYC to stalk her. Yes, the premise of the movie is about stalking former love.

Matthew Broderick plays Sam, who is reeling form getting a ‘Dear John’ letter from his true love, Linda (Kelly Preston). Sam tr…

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None Yet 0 Points 1997
Tromeo & Juliet
Very Good 16 Points 1996

William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is one of the most well known stories of the English language. There have been countless versions of the original play to try to make it innovative and different. Well if nothing else Tromeo and Juliet definitely gets the award for being the most different…

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OK 17 Points 1996

A so-so Robin Williams flick about a 10 year old boy who ages in hyper-time. This should have been a cake-walk for Robin Williams — I mean think of all the silly shticks this could have generated. Instead, Robin comes across as not trying that hard and expectations are let down as the Robin Wil…

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