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The Muppet Movie
Great 12 Points 1979

The story of the how the muppets all met each other, this movie is full of corny one-liners and our loveable, furry friends. It is a lot of fun, and children from 1 to 92 will always enjoy it. Amongst the fun features of this film are: the amazing blending of puppets with real life; cameos from…

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Great 12 Points 1968

This “children’s” movie, a loose adaptation of the Charles Dickens book “Oliver Twist,” is a musical trip into antiquated London that received 6 Academy Awards, including “Best Picture.” I remember watching it years ago with my parents, but decided to re-watch it a few days ago since it had been …

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WikChip Video Oliver! (1948) Theatrical Trailer
Perfect 12 Points 2008

This short, shown before the movie Wall-E, was a brilliantly hilarious animated couple of minutes! I LOVED it!!

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Where the Wild ...
Very Good 12 Points 2009

One of the most beloved children’s books of all time comes to the big screen in the hands of Spike Jonze. Jonze and co. take a ten sentence book and make it into a 90 min. movie. Now, there have been movies adapted from short little books including such crap as Cat in the Hat and special gems lik…

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2 Replies
  • MJ5K – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/2...
  • Wick – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/2...
Perfect 12 Points 2003

This is the short shown before The Incredibles, and it is incredible!

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1 Reply
  • kukuruza – The film was not pleasant to me ____________________...
Tooth Fairy
Very Good 12 Points 2010

Great kids movie, but certainly not a movie most adults will watch just because. And yes, I watched it … on an airplane, so don’t judge me.

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Despicable Me
Good 12 Points 2010

Such a cute damn movie. Could have been more – mostly in the humor department – but as it was, it was very entertaining with a great heart. Despicable Me centers around Gru – a supervillain who is being upstaged by a newcomer, so he sets out to complete the ultimate heist. He’s going to steal …

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Perfect 14 Points 2005

Hilarious, fun, entertaining, wow, stellar, great, “I like to move it move it!”

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Fly Away Home
Good 17 Points 1996

A cute and entertaining movie your kids will enjoy. Tells a tale of a daughter who loses her mom in an accident, moves in with dad in the Candian country, and adopts a flock of geese who also don’t have “a mom” to show them the way south for the winter. I am an aviation enthusiast, so enjoyed the…

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Camp Rock
Very Good 17 Points 2008

The Jonas Brothers(focasing on Joe Jonas) stared in this movie about a camp in witch kids showed their talent in dancing, singing, and music producing. A clear Disney movie. Although adults may like this movie, kids would enjoy it most. (Review by Katherine)

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