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Great 66 Points 2005

Wonderful movie about a boy and his cheetah. Heartfelt, sufficiently realistic and not sappy. Bravo.

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The Last Lions
Really Great 66 Points 2011

Perhaps the most incredible nature documentary ever, The Last Lions features individualized lions and buffaloes engaged in an intricate plot worthy of scripted drama. It also provides unprecedented intimacy with the King of Beasts, making it breathtaking entertainment and potent political motiv…

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WikChip Video Chills from this awesome documentary.
National Geogra...
Very Good 66 Points 1997

The forests of Eastern Siberia look like the woods of North America. And yet they are radically different, being the home of wild Siberian tigers, the biggest of big cats. This brief NatGeo documentary gets up close and personal with these magnificent creatures, an awe inspiring experience for …

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WikChip Video Watch it here or on Netflix
African Cats
Good 66 Points 2011

Billed as a warm and fuzzy Disney Nature adventure, African Cats instead is a hair-raising, heartrending drama. It profiles two families, a cheetah and her cubs, and a lioness and her cub, each of which is in mortal danger for nearly the entire movie.

There’s nothing necessarily wrong with …

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WikChip Video Be warned: Tougher than usual Disney ...
Bringing Up Baby
Really Great 66 Points 1938

Screwball romantic-comedies don’t get much better than Bringing Up Baby, “Baby” being a leopard and its adoptive parents a never better Cary Grant & Katherine Hepburn. Three quarters of a century after its premiere, Howard Hawks’ classic remains a delightfully ticklish cinematic confection.

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WikChip Image Kate & Cary as Susan & David
Prehistoric Pre...
Good 66 Points 2007

Cmon, what boy hasn’t hankered after the sabertoothed tiger? This brief NatGeo documentary scratches that itch.

It turns out that hundreds of these top predators got inadvertently preserved in Los Angeles’ La Brea tar pits, yielding skeletons that provide insight into their unique hunting sty…

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WikChip Image Holy cow: Sabertooth bite test experi...
Really Great 66 Points 2016

Zootopia is Pixar quality, meaning kids are optional, though there are no better movies to take kids to see. I chose a late show because late shows have the fewest kids, fewest but not none. Nowadays there’s always some parental units crazy enough to take their kids to a 10:40PM show. Those kid…

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WikChip Video Pure Pop 4 Zootopia: Shakira as Gazelle
Monkey Kingdom
Really Great 66 Points 2015

Monkey Kingdom is a joy of a documentary, easily beloved by young and old alike. More fun than a barrel of monkeys … er, sort of a barrel of monkeys come to life, it profiles lovable little Sri Lankan primates.

These little macacas swing from each others’ tails, for goodness sakes. Yet the…

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WikChip Video This video sweetly captures the movie
OK 66 Points 2015

Max’s trailer promised more than the movie delivers. The story of a military dog who aides a teen’s coming-of-age, it pulls heartstrings and warms the heart in equal measure, especially for those of us with a soft-spot for the US military and dogs alike. That’s me, which is why I fell hard for …

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WikChip Video The trailer's better than the movie.
White Mane
Great 66 Points 1953

Elemental kid’s movie, just 40 minutes long, thy name is White Mane. It’s from France of all places, with French cowboys. Really. And wild French horses – white horses and white stallions.

White Mane, the leader of a herd of wild Camargues, "was a proud and fearsome horse. All the other h…

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WikChip Image Wild Camargues on the run. Fabuleux!