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Triplebeard's Review

Created Feb 02, 2008 07:11PM PST • Edited Feb 02, 2008 07:11PM PST

  1. Quality
  2. OK 2.5

    A Cleaver and Intense Thriller. you don’t see original thriller ideas like this everyday. to bad they did it poorly. the potential of this film surpassed the actual outcome of this picture. it was a decent film but it could have been much more.

  3. OK 2.5

    Marc Blucas did a decent job in this movie. its a shame that the productions values we not a little higher. it seems like they went high def with this either that or they didn’t have a very good cinematographer. the story seemed sound along with the acting.

  4. Male Stars OK 2.5

    like I said Mark Blucas did a decent job. I cant help but feel though that I would have gotten into the movie more with a little bit better acting. this had to much of a B movie feel to it.

  5. Female Stars OK 2.5

    nothing stand out about the female costars in this movie. i was pretty disapointed in the casing for the roles of the girls in this. the downstairs neighbor was hard to follow with her motives and the stalker secretary was pretty see through in her intentions.

  6. Female Costars OK 2.5
  7. Male Costars OK 2.5
  8. OK 2.5

    they dropped the ball on this. there is a big difference between a low budget film and a B quality film. to many things that shouldn’t stand out in this movie did just that. there was allot of scenes that didn’t need to be in this and they should have stayed on the cutting room floor. I’m not looking forward to future work by this director if he keeps things like this.

  9. Direction Pretty Bad 1.5

    Gideon Raff had better do a stand up job with his upcoming movie “Train” starring Thora Birch . if he drops the ball on that one as well he better leave directing to the big boys and get back to serving coffee as a PA. as you can tell i wasn’t happy with the directing of this film and if it wasn’t for the acting skills of Mark Blucas ( that was a 6/10 at most) this movie would even have trouble going straight to dvd (like it did).

  10. Play Pretty Bad 1.5

    allot of the dialogue up to about 20 minutes into the film didn’t seem to fit. Mark Blucas blew this part of the film playing the mean, proud, rich dick. he seemed to fit the part after this scene and the dialogue matched up but its a shame that it happened this way.

  11. Music Very Good 3.5

    the music was good in this. it fit the scenes well and didn’t overshadow allot of the scenes.

  12. Visuals Great 4.0

    this is the one thing they pulled off in the whole picture. the visuals kept you on the edge of your seat all the way up to the end.

  13. Content
  14. Sordid 3.4

    they implied allot and left allot to the imagination and in this case that was a good thing. there was allot of scenes expecially at the end that made you cringe just a little because you knew what was going on. kudos.

  15. Sex Erotic 3.4
  16. Violence Brutal 3.4

    axes and pigs. thats all that will be said.

  17. Rudeness Profane 3.4
  18. Glib 1.1

    sadly i could see something like this happening. this is a messed up world. im not sure if it would ave played out exactly this way though.

  19. Circumstantial Glib 1.1
  20. Biological Glib 1.1
  21. Physical Glib 1.1


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