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BigdaddyDave's Review

Created May 31, 2011 09:41AM PST • Edited May 31, 2011 09:41AM PST

  1. Quality
  2. Good 3.0

    Based on the true story of one of the most impressive racehorses of all times, Secretariat offers a Disney-fied story telling of the racehorse who won the Triple Crown. While the racing sequences capture the beauty and excitement of the horse, along with it’s impressive power and ability to win, the story wallows a bit too much for my liking in the telling of the struggling family finances. Highlighting the elitism of horse ownership, it is hard to feel sorry at times for the rich and privileged who struggle to keep the horse farms afloat. I would have rather seen more on the training and care of the horse.

    However, you can’t deny the appeal of the horse, and the movie captures some of that excitement. A nice film to watch as we near the final leg of this year’s Triple Crown series.

  3. OK 2.5
  4. Male Stars Good 3.0

    John Malkovich is enjoyable as the eccentric trainer who’s hat collection and shorts are over-the top.

  5. Female Stars OK 2.5

    Diane Lane is adequate in her portrayal of Penny Chenery, the middle-aged mom who takes over the operations of the family horse farm. While the movie glorifies the asenscion of Secretariat to racing immortality, it also shows a woman who missed significant events in her children’s lives to tend to the farm.

  6. Female Costars OK 2.5
  7. Male Costars OK 2.5
  8. OK 2.5
  9. Direction OK 2.5
  10. Play OK 2.5
  11. Music OK 2.5
  12. Visuals OK 2.5
  13. Content
  14. Tame 1.4
  15. Sex Innocent 1.3
  16. Violence Gentle 1.3
  17. Rudeness Polite 1.5
  18. Natural 1.0
  19. Circumstantial Natural 1.0
  20. Biological Natural 1.0
  21. Physical Natural 1.0


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Jun 3, 2011 8:48PM

Regarding BigdaddyDave’s Review
Happy to see you liked it BigD. Looks like you came to a pretty similar conclusion as me.

Mar 5, 2011 12:05PM

Regarding Wick’s Review
Nice review Wick. It’s now on my must see list.