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BrianSez's Review

Created Apr 15, 2011 09:27PM PST • Edited Apr 15, 2011 09:28PM PST

  1. Quality
  2. Great 4.0

    Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray are a remarkably well paired set of wayward souls who meet by chance in Japan. Amidst the surreal and techno-quirky backdrop of Tokyo, they find solace in each-other – a perfect escape from the hum-drum realities of home. Wonderfully written, directed, and filmed – this humorous and engaging film is a great find!

  3. Very Good 3.5

    Scarlett, sports a young and almost naïve demeanor, and Bill dons his seasoned and signature sarcastic humor. Of course, Bill steals most of the show while Scarlett played along and got carried through the film. That’s not to detract from her performance however, just that next to him, the youngness of her career was apparent.

  4. Male Stars Very Good 3.5
  5. Female Stars Very Good 3.5
  6. Female Costars Very Good 3.5
  7. Male Costars Very Good 3.5
  8. Really Great 4.5

    Sophia Coppola deserved her Oscar for a fantastic screenplay. And it was a brilliant move to set this in Japan – endless fodder for humor amidst a distracting and surreal environment . Sometimes it was a little over-done, but mostly it provided a funny backdrop and momentum for a movie that would have stalled without it.

  9. Direction Really Great 4.5
  10. Play Really Great 4.5
  11. Music Really Great 4.5
  12. Visuals Really Great 4.5
  13. Content
  14. Risqué 1.7
  15. Sex Titillating 1.7
  16. Violence Fierce 1.7
  17. Rudeness Salty 1.7
  18. Glib 1.8
  19. Circumstantial Glib 1.8
  20. Biological Glib 1.8
  21. Physical Glib 1.8


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Apr 16, 2011 9:37PM

Regarding BrianSez’s Review
Thanks Dave – it was a good surprise find for me – I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!

Apr 16, 2011 6:59AM

Good review Brian! I’ve always wanted to see this. I’ll have to put it on my list.