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izzio's Review

Created Feb 19, 2010 05:15AM PST • Edited Feb 19, 2010 05:15AM PST

  1. Quality
  2. Really Great 4.5

    WOW! I’m usually not a fan of anime, but this was fantastic! This brilliantly crafted thriller follows Mima, a young pop star that has a great life ahead of her. When she decides to quit singing, she takes up acting, only to be followed by an insanely creepy obsessed stalker. The TV show she is on requires her to take off her clothes, cauing her to have a major downfall in her carreer. Think about some Hitchcock/Aronofsky mashup (this one really reminds me of Pi).

  3. Perfect 5.0

    Because I only saw the English Dub, I have not much to say. Otherwise, the english dub was actually very well done.

  4. Male Stars Perfect 5.0
  5. Female Stars Perfect 5.0
  6. Female Costars Perfect 5.0
  7. Male Costars Perfect 5.0
  8. Perfect 5.0

    The quality and overally creepiness of Perfect Blue was… perfect.

  9. Direction Perfect 5.0
  10. Play Perfect 5.0
  11. Music Perfect 5.0
  12. Visuals Perfect 5.0
  13. Content
  14. Sordid 3.3

    There is a lot of nudity (including a rape scene, although it was for a movie shoot), and some over-exagerated violence.

  15. Sex Lewd 4.0
  16. Violence Monstrous 5.0
  17. Rudeness Polite 1.0
  18. Glib 1.7
  19. Circumstantial Surreal 3.0
  20. Biological Natural 1.0
  21. Physical Natural 1.0


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