Created Nov 17, 2008 09:04AM PST • Edited Nov 17, 2008 09:04AM PST
Great 4.0
If you’re going to watch one comedy from 2008, make it this one. Weed, crazy violence and Seth Rogen combine to make “Pineapple Express” a unique and hilarious stoner comedy.
Very Good 3.5
Seth Rogen plays a little away from his comfort zone for once, but it is still largely the same performance. James Franco is the best thing here though, with Spider-Man just a distant memory. The rest of the cast is just as good, and Danny McBride will probably become the new Rogen after this and “Tropic Thunder”.
Male Stars Great 4.0
Seth Rogen and James Franco should take these characters on into a franchise, or failing that, work together again, because they’re hilarious together onscreen. Rogen is a nastier, less-kindly version of his slacker character here, and Franco is completely alien from anything I’ve ever seen him in before. They both manage to make their characters likeable yet pathetic, apt for two stoners.
Female Stars OK 2.5
The women are really co-stars here, but I’ve adjusted the score accordingly.
Female Costars Good 3.0
Rosie Perez, as the corrupt policewoman cohort to Gary Cole’s Ted Jones, is barely in the film, but the character is really just a script excuse for a link to the police. Amber Heard, as Dale’s school-aged girlfriend, presents a girl who really should have chosen a better partner with a proportionate performance of embarrassment and innocence.
Male Costars Great 4.0
The standout has to be Danny McBride’s Red; a dealer above Saul, he is at turns a sissy stoner and a bad-ass, invincible ally to the two main stoners. He gets most of the best lines, and at times reminded me of the bizarre performances Will Ferrell gives in cameo roles like “Wedding Crashers”; he needs more time onscreen! Gary Cole is the bad guy, the dealer above Red, but does get given more than just this, as we see his obvious affection for weed too. His two hitmen, played by Craig Robinson and Kevin Corrigan, are the most dysfunctional pair of assassins ever; one always talking about getting home for his wife’s meal, and the other seemingly completely deranged and claiming he ’doesn’t need to use’ his gun. Again, like Franco and Rogen, these guys could star in a whole film and I’d watch it.
Very Good 3.5
For an Apatow movie, this seems to be quite different in terms of its production and the violent, less-than-real view on the narrative. That doesn’t mean it’s bad – in fact, it makes a change. As a comedy, its dialogue is its strength, with some truly laugh-out-loud quotes to remember.
Direction Very Good 3.5
David Gordon Green, previously known for being an indie director, makes a film here that allows him to jump into mainstream filmmaking whilst also still producing, in both wittiness of script and scarcity of setting, a film that has largely indie sensibilities.
Play Great 4.0
The undoubted strength here, the dialogue from the first scene is the best part of the movie. Franco’s Saul gets most of the best lines, but McBride’s Red, along with the two hitmen, provide some memorable exchanges and conversations.
Music Good 3.0
There’s a Huey Lewis song on the soundtrack, so it’s almost like it’s harking back to the ‘80s. The use of real songs throughout gives it a bit of a boost, but it’s nothing special.
Visuals Very Good 3.5
The film has some great action scenes, and they’re ground in reality (as much as possible), as can be seen in the car chase scenes in particular. The other set-pieces are a mixture of hilarity and blood-spitting violence, which makes for a quite entertaining experience!
Risqué 2.0
For what’s supposed to be a comedy, this film is pretty violent, and full of swearing. Definitely an adult comedy!
Sex Innocent 1.0
Violence Brutal 2.6
Rudeness Salty 2.5
Surreal 2.2
Drug dealers and customers getting into scrapes? That’s real enough! The circumstances of this particular story however are pretty out there, and one character in particular appears to be invincible!
Circumstantial Surreal 2.2
Biological Surreal 2.2
Physical Surreal 2.2
Jun 15, 2010 9:38PM
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