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ladystorm's Review

Created Mar 17, 2008 04:14PM PST • Edited Mar 17, 2008 04:14PM PST

  1. Quality
  2. Good 3.0

    Despite the blood and gore, this vampire movie was very original. I really liked the concept of 30 Days of nothing but complete darkenss allowing vampires to roam freely at all times. These vampires are definatly not your count Dracula type of vampires, but ugly blood suckers. I do believe it was hard to know when one day began and another ended except for them letting you know what day it was. I do think it needed a bit better story line than its dark, vampires come out to wipe out the city, few survivers run around scared and trying to survive till its daylight again. I just think there should have been a bit more to it than that. I am sure it is a movie that horror fans can like.

  3. Barely OK 2.0

    Being a blood sucking vampire does not take much acting, just a lot of make up. The others were ok, but nothing memorable.

  4. Male Stars Barely OK 2.0
  5. Female Stars Barely OK 2.0
  6. Female Costars Barely OK 2.0
  7. Male Costars Barely OK 2.0
  8. Good 3.0
  9. Direction Good 3.0
  10. Play Good 3.0
  11. Music Good 3.0
  12. Visuals Very Good 3.5
  13. Content
  14. Sordid 2.7
  15. Sex Innocent 1.0
  16. Violence Savage 3.6
  17. Rudeness Profane 3.4
  18. Supernatural 3.8

    Its a movie about vampires.

  19. Circumstantial Supernatural 3.8
  20. Biological Supernatural 3.8
  21. Physical Supernatural 3.8


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