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Zihuatanejo's ViewLists

Created Dec 16, 2010 02:22AM PST • Updated Dec 16, 2010 02:22AM PST

Title Released Trust Weighted Summary Viewable
1st The Shawshank Re...
1994 Perfect 93 Points

I am almost embarrassed to say that I've seen this movie over 10 times. Until "Dark Knight" came along this was hands down my all-time favorite movie and it's still staying just a touch above that movie, IMO. Morgan Freeman is amazing in this. And it must have gotten to me so much that my login for WikPik is Zihuatanejo.

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Added Dec 16, 2010 02:22AM PST • Updated Dec 16, 2010 02:22AM PST

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Movie Posted Summary Acting Film Edge Reality
The Dark Knight
  Jan 31, 2009 08:15PM PST
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Perfect 5.0

What a ride. I've seen this three times now and am still loving every single minute of it. I have to believe that Heath…

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Perfect 5.0

Great acting across the board, particularly Heath Ledger (obviously) and Christian Bale. I just love the scene where Ba…

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Perfect 5.0
Tame 1.4
Fantasy 5.0
  Jan 31, 2009 08:09PM PST
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Great 4.0

As expected, Sean Penn did an oustanding job with this. It's also a great view back into San Francisco before the digit…

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Perfect 5.0
Good 3.0
Risqué 2.1
Natural 1.0
The Shawshank Redem...
  Nov 16, 2007 10:42PM PST
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Perfect 5.0

I am almost embarrassed to say that I've seen this movie over 10 times. Until "Dark Knight" came along this was hands d…

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Great 4.0
Really Great 4.5
Risqué 2.0
Fantasy 4.5

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