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This epic TV miniseries follows ex Texas Rangers (Robert Duvall, Tommy Lee Jones) as they steal horses in Mexico then get involved in a cattle drive to Montana in the 1880’s. A little Kitschy at times, but endearing to watch the pair banter back and forth and perform their manly cowboy roles. …
The Avengers do more than avenge. They dominate – the box office and Disney’s financial performance. More personally, they fulfill the hopes of fanboys everywhere, including older generations who don’t even know they are fanboys. Ever love a Marvel comic? Prepare to be fulfilled, fanboy….
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Super irony in a superpowered suit
Half anthropological study, half snuff film, Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto is fascinating and often breathtaking. Oh yeah, it’s also gratuitously violent, giving full reign to its creator’s sick taste for hand-to-hand savagery. Mad Mel’s movie canvases a panoply of Mayan curiosities: human sacrif…
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Zero Wolf: Holcane Warrior captain
More than just the chariot race, Ben-Hur virtually defines big screen epic. At three and a half hours, it’s a lot of movie, full of bravura performances, grand visuals, and tasteful religious symbolism. One of only three movies to win 11 Oscars,1 it deserves the acclaim that accompanies the…
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Ben-Hur: This, in widescreen Technico...
King of the World combination of teen dream romance, larger than life disaster and mechanical intrigue. Pushes the entertainment buttons of most every demographic.
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Front Page News
Matt Damon succeeds grandly in The Last Duel, a gloriously old-fashioned yet manifestly modern movie. This epic hews closely to the apparent history of the last duel-to-the-death in medieval France, a time of knights-in-shining-armor during the Hundred Years’ War…
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The Last Duel - After the Ending
My second watching of an unnecessary remake in the last few months, Ben Hur impressed far less than the Magnificent Seven. It just came across as another of those overly-long Roman era epic movies that nobody ever heard of until they showed up on Netflix playlists of B-side films. |
People want to love Les Miz and many have, including the Oscars and a fellow ViewGuider. Fair enough. Beloved is beloved, especially when a blockbuster movie doesn’t stint on production values or star power. Sometimes however, an ugly truth is hiding right in plain sight, or in plain earshot…
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Samantha Barks stands out in a crowd