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None Yet 0 Points 2018
The Wind Rises
OK 66 Points 2013

Hard not to think of The Wind Rises as The Zero Movie, as it’s about the engineer who designed Imperial Japan’s lethal fighter – the dreaded Japanese Zero. Instead, Jirô Horikoshi gets painted in hagiographic terms in a movie nominated this year for an Oscar and a Golden Globe: Best Animate…

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WikChip Video Flights of Fancy in a Fatally Flawed ...
Jiro Dreams of ...
OK 66 Points 2011

The legendary chef behind a Michelin Three Star sushi restaurant gets profiled in Jiro Dreams of Sushi. Indeed, Jiro Ono does dream of sushi, and has for most of his 85 years.

Unfortunately his BioDoc is too subtle for its own good, even given its zen subject. It also focuses as much on Ji…

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WikChip Image Jiro's Dreamy Sushi
13 Assassins
Perfect 95 Points 2011

13 Assassins is a perfect samurai movie, complete with the gathering of a hit-squad, an assassination-worthy villain, operatic action sequences, frequent comic relief, beautifully bucolic staging, buckets of blood and yet not a lot of gore. Action fans in general and samurai fans in particular…

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WikChip Image 2 assassins in "The Town of Death"
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