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Les Vampires
None Yet 0 Points 1915
Nosferatu, eine...
None Yet 0 Points 1922
None Yet 0 Points 1931
None Yet 0 Points 1931
The Vampire Bat
None Yet 0 Points 1933
Bride of Franke...
None Yet 0 Points 1935
Mark of the Vam...
None Yet 0 Points 1935
Cat People
None Yet 0 Points 1942
The Return of t...
None Yet 0 Points 1944
The Spiral Stai...
Really Great 10 Points 1945

This by far is my favorite black and white horror film. The Spiral Staircase is about a mute woman named Helen Capel. (Dorothy McGuire) There is a killer on the loose that kills people with disabilites such as Helen’s. If theres a killer stalking her, how does she call for help? What I love about…

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