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The Man Who Sho...
Perfect 66 Points 1962

Greatest Western? The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence is certainly in the running, given how it plays with Wild West myth-making, features three iconic stars along with a passel of great costars and wields a humdinger of an ending. “Nothing’s too good for the man who shot Liberty Valance,” the l…

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WikChip Image Who's the man? You're the man.
What Ever Happe...
OK 71 Points 1962

There’s no business like show business, and none more cruel in the wake of early success. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? stands as a cautionary tale. A classic movie that pairs big stars from Hollywood’s Golden Age, it stands now as a borderline laughable antique. Like its stars, it hasn’t…

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WikChip Image Grown Jane clings to her Baby Jane doll
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  • BrianSez – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":http://www.viewgui...
  • BigdaddyDave – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":http://www.viewgui...
Days of Wine an...
Great 66 Points 1962

Effectively two movies: the first, a boozy romp a la Mad Men; the second, a melodramatic horror of alcoholic insanity, complete with straight-jackets and padded rooms. The first is more fun. Isn’t it always, before ugly drunkenness spoils the party.

The bubbly opening reels are a San Franc…

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WikChip Video Charming, boozy romp till he litters ...
Very Good 66 Points 1963

Paul Newman wanted to be bad and got his wish with Hud. He plays a charismatic asshole, a user and abuser whose evil becomes increasingly evident as the movie rolls along. Three Oscars came in its wake, though King Cool himself had to be satisfied with just a nomination. Think Hud would’ve s…

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WikChip Image His unwanted attention brought her an...
Really Great 66 Points 1964

Goldfinger has everything we love about James Bond, other than a memorable Bond girl. It’s got Sean Connery driving his legendary Aston Martin, complete with ejector seat and machine guns. It’s got a great “Bond, James Bond” and “Shaken, not stirred.” Most valuably, Goldfinger himself is a t…

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WikChip Image Oddjob's killer hat.
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Viva Las Vegas
None Yet 0 Points 1964
The Sandpiper
None Yet 0 Points 1965
The Graduate
Great 9 Points 1967

The Graduate, unlike most of the films trumpeted through the ages, is one that lived up to the promise and surpassed it; this quirky and altogether morose comedy/drama is certainly a film that succeeds in aiming to eviscerate adult expectations of young people as well as give the young the idea o…

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Bonnie and Clyde
Very Good 66 Points 1967

Legendary movie about legendary bank robbers fails to live up to its legend. Over-the-top performances and violence that is far from the current cutting-edge make Bonnie and Clyde somewhat of a museum piece. That said, with star power and style points to spare, the movie is worth watching for…

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None Yet Points 1968