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Jack Ryan: Shad...
Very Good 83 Points 2014

The hero of many a Tom Clancy story gets rebooted in Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, a more than competent action thriller. Chris Pine, Kevin Costner, Keira Knightley and Kenneth Branagh are much more than competent as its starring quartet, allowing the movie to draw from a deep well of moviestar…

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WikChip Image Branagh the Dir employs a killer villain
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Great 83 Points 2015

Narco-gang depravity meets its match when things go military on the Mexican border in Sicario, Spanish for “hitman”. A semi-successful Emily Blunt rebels against this turn of events. Semi-successful? Her performance, not her rebellion, which is unsuccessful. Yet the movie is much more than semi…

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WikChip Video Coming Thru!!
The Bourne Legacy
Good 83 Points 2012

The first Bourne-less Bourne sequel felt more like a slog than a thrilling chase. Then its climax felt like a pause, which it is … for the next episode. So after more than two hours of frenetic activity, it wasn’t clear the movie was actually over. Some legacy.

Let’s stipulate that most r…

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WikChip Image Norton: Soulless jerk, yes. Gravitas,...
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  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Body of Lies
Good 83 Points 2008

Given the dismal state of Islamist terror movies, this surprisingly evenhanded thriller tops the heap, though its disjointed plot comes together slowly and Leonardo DiCaprio’s CIA character lacks charisma. Fortunately he’s flanked by two great actors, the estimable Russell Crowe and the slickly …

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Very Good 83 Points 2011

Action thrillers come no more accomplished than Hanna, brilliant director Joe Wright’s latest and perhaps greatest film. Profiling a genetically-modified 16 year old girl who would put 24’s Jack Bauer to shame, Wright finds ample opportunity for his trademark bravura filmmaking along with a …

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WikChip Image Jessica Barden: Girl's got starlet po...
Act of Valor
Great 83 Points 2012

Think of Act of Valor as real US Naval Special Warfare come to cineplexes, not as a normal war movie. Thus the valor is certain, the acting not so much.

Directed by a couple of former stuntmen and starring a bunch of active duty SEALs, it is earnest in the extreme and often wooden in its no…

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WikChip Video Real bullets make this a unique movie
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
13 Hours: The S...
Great 83 Points 2016

The 2012 Islamist militia attack on the two U.S. outposts in Benghazi Libya comes alive as a colossal and utterly predictable central-government failure in 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. Truth!

The amazing thing is that only four men died, even if one was Ambassador Chris Stevens…

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WikChip Video Gold Star Parents react to 13 Hours
American Made
Very Good 83 Points 2017

The wages of sin are very good for Tom Cruise for a very long time in American Made, a fanciful recounting of one smuggler’s blues during the 1980s cocaine explosion. It’s a very satisfying movie, with a modicum of truth, a surfeit of crazed sexiness, and a satisfactory ending when the wages of…

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WikChip Video Great trailer lies from the start.
The Debt
Really Great 83 Points 2011

A mashup of Israel’s bravura capture of Adolph Eichmann and the moral confusion of Munich, The Debt pays off almost completely, missing perfection by ceding reality. Well that and because the Mossad agents’ reluctance to kill the fictional Surgeon of Birkenau annoys as much as it galvanizes….

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WikChip Image The two visages of Rachel Singer.
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Casino Royale
Perfect 75 Points 2006

Is there a better Bond movie? From the B&W opening’s clever incorporation of Bond shooting at the camera, to ‘Bond, James Bond’ not coming till the final line, Casino Royale visits the de rigueur touchstones in fresh, inventive ways. Daniel Craig barely cracks a smile or a smirk, yet is funny…

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