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Star Wars: The ...
Really Great 83 Points 2015

Cinema’s most famous title crawl opens The Force Awakens. The Star Wars theme rises above, softly, then insistently, its familiar leitmotif arousing our deepest cinematic memories. J.J. Abrams’ revival of George Lucas’s epochal blockbuster proceeds to visit every other touchstone, extending t…

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WikChip Video Behind the Scenes of Episode VII
The Martian
Really Great 83 Points 2015

The Martian is an instant laureate in the SciFi Golden Age we’re now enjoying. Ridley Scott directs Matt Damon in this landmark movie, the latest in two careers full of them. Their Martian is the highest of high concepts, perfectly conceived. Andy Weir’s lauded novel comes gloriously to life in…

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WikChip Video Outtakes from the Ares 3 Crew
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Great 83 Points 2016

Deadpool is the superhero for a new generation, one that casually talks about a guy having a great ass. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It is – however – a new thing, with Deadpool now being a big thing.

Ryan Reynolds is ideal to play Mr. Pool, a wisecracking stud who describe…

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WikChip Video Girls, watch this first.
London Has Fallen
Great 83 Points 2016

London Has Fallen is a distinct improvement over Olympus Has Fallen, making it a 1st-rate action movie. The sequel improves the original by having a plausible villain, albeit amidst an equally implausible story. Throw in several well-earned laughs – amid the carnage – and you’ve got a helluva…

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WikChip Video How They Made It
Batman v Superm...
Good 83 Points 2016

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is as heavy as its pretentious title suggests, with nary a great performance to elevate it. Yet this DC Comics blockbuster ably fulfills its duty of teasing nine sequels.

It opens with a replay of Batman’s boyhood origin, Superman’s having been told by DC &…

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WikChip Video It's all connected to the sequels.
Star Trek Beyond
Perfect 83 Points 2016
Bestest. Star Trek. Ever.

Star Trek Beyond never loses touch with all that made Star Trek great from its earliest incarnation, yet uses 2016 movie magic to create an Enterprise and assorted 23rd century tech-gear better than ever before.

Plus it plays the iconic opening notes of the a…

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WikChip Video "At least I won't die alone..." - Bones
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The Legend of T...
Great 83 Points 2016

The Legend of Tarzan is a ton of fun, notwithstanding being leavened by some seriously nasty business. How much fun? Most everyone around me were laughing and cheering by the third reel. One girl took to throwing her arms in the air at each thrilling turn. In the end, the entire theater applaud…

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WikChip Video Dishing about Jane's sex with Tarzan
Hacksaw Ridge
Great 83 Points 2016

Okinawa was once a byword for the savagery of war. Hacksaw Ridge plumbs the depths of that savagery and the grace that also attended it in the form of Medal of Honor recipient Desmond Doss. A conscientious objector, Doss was unsurpassed in bravery, personally rescuing 75 wounded men from the "t…

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WikChip Video Vince Vaughn talks war movie
Thor: Ragnarok
Perfect 83 Points 2017

Marvel puts it all together for one of their very best movies yet in Thor: Ragnarok, an absolutely terrific blockbuster, and a damn funny one at that. Crayon colored, heavenly inspired, charismatically performed, deeply rooted yet easily accessible, it would be great even it weren’t a sophistic…

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WikChip Video Cool Minutiae. Beware spoiler at the ...
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Great 83 Points 2016

Casablanca it’s not, but Allied is a damn good romantic thriller set in WWII Casablanca, or at least initially set there. Most of the movie then takes place in London during the blitz, with Brad Pitt’s proto-007 thrust into domestic espionage against his wife, played by Marion Cotillard. It’s…

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WikChip Video Brad, Marion & Zemeckis talk Allied