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The Help
Very Good 66 Points 2011

Women rule The Help. They rule the Junior League, they rule their roosts and they rule each other. Some are white and privileged, most of whom behave in ugly ways. Others are black and disenfranchised. Their world seems far away, yet existed a mere 50 years ago in the Jim Crow South.


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WikChip Image Someone get this woman an Oscar!
Kill the Irishman
Great 83 Points 2011

Who knew there was another only-in-America mobster story ideally suited for a biographical crime movie? Kill the Irishman is that movie and Danny Greene is the mobster it brings to life, a self-made man who rose to run a large swath of the Cleveland rackets in the Seventies. It’s a rich story, …

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WikChip Video Smart, Perspicacious, Controlled, Brutal
The Roaring 20s...
None Yet 0 Points 2011
Men in Black III
Great 83 Points 2012

The best MIB? Indeed. MIB3 is clever and fun, as expected, with a surprising inventiveness that MIB1 approached and MIB2 didn’t.

Now … it’s not especially LOL, chuckles and appreciative guffaws notwithstanding.

Charisma it’s got in abundance, courtesy of major moviestar turns by…

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WikChip Image Don't cha wish your girl was hot like...
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Johnny Carson: ...
Great 66 Points 2012

Here’s Johnny – blessedly again – in a documentary that reveals the man behind the curtain and reminds us why we treasured him above all others in front of it. It also suggests that his position as arbiter of pop culture will never exist again. Hundreds of cable channels and the web have seen t…

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WikChip Image Everybody wanted to laugh with Johnny
Moonrise Kingdom
Great 83 Points 2012

Wes Anderson movies are an acquired taste – highly stylized, absurdly droll comedies. Moonrise Kingdom? Stylized well into pronounced surrealism. Yet it works due to a lovely and improbable romance between a couple of emotionally disturbed twelve year-olds.

Being a Wes Anderson movie, the…

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WikChip Image Searching for her man, er, boy.
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Quadrophenia - ...
Great 66 Points 2012

The complete story of Quadrophenia is essential viewing for Quadropheniacs. You know who you are.

Pete Townshend takes us on an hour-plus tour through his magnum opus, the greatest of rock operas, followed by twenty minutes of Quadrophenia concert outtakes from the decades. Felt complete to …

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WikChip Video Daltrey & Townshend talk Quad in July...
Very Good 83 Points 2012

Bob Marley’s legend emerges enhanced and deepened from this extensive documentary of his life and career. Notwithstanding classic rockstar foibles, he’s revealed to be a figure of complexity, courage and depth. Plus his Rock & Roll Hall of Fame talent shines brightly through. Jamming.


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WikChip Image Bob unguarded. No Woman, No Cry.
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  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Rolling Sto...
Really Great 66 Points 2012

Charlie is My Darling is the dangerous younger brother to A Hard Day’s Night. Beatles ‘64. Stones ‘65.

Mercy, Mercy was more than a Rolling Stones song in 1965. It was what they wanted from their ravenous fans, a besotted mob of hormonally charged teens. Beatlemania had nothing on the…

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WikChip Video The Stones drive the Irish lasses crazy
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  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Not Fade Away
Perfect 66 Points 2012

David Chase & Little Stevie should’ve released Not Fade Away here in January, instead of at the October film festivals. It coulda been the first great movie of 2013. Instead it’s yet another great movie from 2012.

OK, that ain’t chopped liver. Still, it coulda set the pace for the New Yea…

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WikChip Video What the kids wanted to be: Stones
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  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":