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US Marshals
None Yet 0 Points 1998
Great 17 Points 1993

Every possible plot you’d want from a western is weaved in to Tombstone, and a stellar cast makes this film a must-see on any fan of the genre’s “must see” list. Kurt Russel, Val Kilmer (who is great imho), Sam Elliott, Bill Paxton , Powers Boothe, Charlton Heston, Jason Priestley…. Need I g…

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Cahill U.S. Mar...
None Yet 0 Points 1973
Joe Kidd
Great 66 Points 1972

The great Elmore Leonard wrote two kinds of scripts, great ones and, well, er, the great Elmore Leonard wrote one kind of script, not counting the two genres he wrote: Westerns and darkly funny crime dramas. Known more now for the latter, he was a modern master of the former, populating his hair…

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WikChip Video Guitar kicks in 40s into the Joe Kidd...
True Grit
Very Good 66 Points 1969

Star power in service to a (then) unconventional story makes for a very good movie. A grizzled John Wayne, shiny Glen Campbell and sharp Robert Duvall provide the star power, while a young girl hiring a de facto bounty hunter to track down her father’s killer provides the novel story.


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WikChip Video Yowza, true Western entertainment
High Noon
Great 66 Points 1952

Gary Cooper walking alone down a dusty Western street to confront a gang of killers is as iconic as Hollywood gets, making High Noon an archetype even more than a legend. That’s quite a weight.

Fortunately the movie itself is engaging, suspenseful and tight. A mere 85 minutes, it runs in ne…

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WikChip Video High Noon (Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My D...
Two Fisted Sheriff
None Yet 0 Points 1937