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Wind River
Really Great 83 Points 2017

Wind River, the best American crime movie in recent memory, is as American as it could possibly be. Native-American at its core, cowboy on its face, Wind River transcends its stunningly assured procedural tropes to create a haunting tale of Western life in 2017, on the res and off, for India…

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WikChip Video Taylor Sheridan & stars talk Wind River
Zero Dark Thirty
Really Great 83 Points 2012

Zero Dark Thirty tells the truthy tale of the deadly hunt for Osama bin Laden, making it one of the most potent political movies of all time. The certain reverberations are hard to predict. Wikileaks? Wikiflick.

It starts with a dark screen, then a title card. September 11, 2001. Scre…

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WikChip Image Toe-to-toe over how to find bin Laden