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Scott Pilgrim v...
Very Good 99 Points 2010

Boy gets girl is as traditional as movies get. Scott Pilgrim gets the girl alright, but the rest of this video-game inspired romantic comedy gets pretty far from traditional.

Start with the boy, a nerdy rocker. Then the girl, a man-eater with a slew of evil – superpowered – exes, not all of…

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WikChip Image Pow! Super punch, Scott Pilgrim.
The Incredible ...
Very Good 99 Points 2008

Marvel follows its lead-off ‘08 home run (Iron Man) with a stand-up double. Hulk wasn’t one of my favorite Marvel characters, yet this movie is plenty entertaining, with several marvelous scenes, a few laughs and plenty of fanboy thrills.

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1 Reply
  • Wick – Great review, BrianSez. I've been underwhelmed by t...
Elizabeth: The ...
Great 99 Points 2007

A worthy sequel to Elizabeth, though perhaps suffering a bit by coming second. Nonetheless, it doesn’t get any better than this for fans of historical drama, while the performance of Cate Blanchett as the Virgin Queen remains the modern benc…

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The Namesake
Good 99 Points 2006

Coming to America, assimilating, and then regretting all that was lost is an experience familiar to Chinese-Americans, Italian-Americans, Jewish-Americans and now Indo-Americans. The Namesake tells this well trod tale in rather engaging but hardly fresh fashion.

The movie slacks during the …

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WikChip Video If the trailer catches you, watch the...
1 Reply
  • BrianSez – Wow - is this a first? I actually came in with a Gr...
Anchorman: The ...
Very Good 99 Points 2004

More SNL than it should be, Anchorman nonetheless lives up to its legend as a modern comedy classic. Snarky humor aside, it’s almost as fun watching it now to pick out the bit players who have gone on to comedy stardom – Paul Rudd, Steve Carell, Seth Rogen and Vince Vaughn among them.


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WikChip Video A Top 10 Anchorman lines
Forrest Gump
Perfect 99 Points 1994

America. My theory is that Forrest Gump serves as personification of the early baby boomers, i.e. of the America of that era. Naive, idealistic, rambunctious, Forrest’s life functions as allegory for the cultural journey of the generation that came of age during the 60s.

Whether you buy that…

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WikChip Image Lovely Hanks
6 Replies
  • Randy – Regarding "Randy's Review":
  • Wick – Regarding "Randy's Review":
  • Wick – Regarding "Randy's Review":
  • Randy – Haha that's awesome!!!
Robin Hood
Very Good 98 Points 2010

“Disappointing” summer blockbusters should all be this good. It nails the target – if not the bull’s-eye – of what they’re supposed to deliver: bravura moviestar performances, spectacular visuals, manly swordplay, and a touch of romance. At almost two and a half hours, this latest incarnation o…

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WikChip Image The Tower of London in full glory.
4 Replies
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2393-robin-...
  • Wick – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/2...
  • MJ5K – Thanks, Wick. It was a great movie. Just think of it...
  • Wick – Regarding "MetalJunky5000's Review":/movie_reviews/2...
Up in the Air
Perfect 98 Points 2009

Behold the Great American Movie starring American idol George Clooney flying on American Airlines. This All American trifecta makes Up in the Air an instant American classic. And a damn funny one at that: good thing, since we Americans love to laugh, especially when nursing a really f-ing bad…

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  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2121-up-in-...
  • MJ5K – Regarding "Wick's Review":/movie_reviews/2121-up-in-...
Very Good 98 Points 2008

This surprisingly effective revenge thriller plays better than its formulaic trailer might suggest. The mix of A-List star, well written script and competent direction injects plenty of life into an implausible set-up and the resulting cat-and-mouse games.

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WikChip Image A-List Star Slumming = Movie Worth Se...
3 Replies
  • BrianSez – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • jasonhurwitz – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Excellent review Tom. I hadn't heard anything about...
In Bruges
Good 98 Points 2008

Semi-funny and too precious for its own good, this comedy of disgrace asks us to warm up to loutish and sociopathic characters because they have their “normal” sides. They show occasional remorse, brush their teeth like normal people, one of them even has a normal family. The movie is like a Br…

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1 Reply
  • Wick – Great review Finks. I've avoided this movie becau...