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Great 66 Points 2013

So big it came down to YES or NO. A national referendum on authoritarian rule, YES or NO?

NO won, a shock to Chile, many Latinos and the world. Turns out that pop was the way to nail the weasel. The weasel was General Augusto Pinochet, the strongman who had fixed the economy but crushed diss…

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WikChip Video Selling Liberation Like Toothpaste
Jackie Brown
Really Great 66 Points 1997

Lesser Tarantino but accomplished Tarantino still, Jackie Brown sports a full house of his filmic qualities. Half a dozen stars unspool a cockamamie but coherent story over 2½ hours, complete with bad guys taking each other out, sudden ends and funny surprises. Then there’s the down and dirty…

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WikChip Image Now that's a cast!
On The Road
Very Good 66 Points 2013

I read On The Road by 21 because it was necessary. I saw On The Road this weekend to be entertained.

Entertaining it is, though cultural legacy aside, mad words about mad living don’t make a great movie, not without great acting and a cinematic story, neither of which On The Road has….

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WikChip Image Hand Check!
King of the Hill
Really Great 66 Points 1993

King of the Hill is a real life Little Rascals, what with pipsqueak brothers living alone during the Great Depression. Amazingly, it’s the truthy autobiography of A.E. Hotchner, Paul Newman’s pal and business partner. Even if fictional, it would still charm and enlighten, as it’s a perfect fi…

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WikChip Video Charming and Enlightening
Your Highness
Good 66 Points 2011

Your Highness dons the trappings of Ye Olde English knights and damsels, mixes in sorcerers and pagan mythology, then filters the unholy brew through a 21st century slacker’s sensibility. Such low brow humor in high brow settings makes for a fun movie if you don’t mind tongue-deeply-in-cheek c…

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WikChip Video Low Brow Humor in High Brow Settings
OK 66 Points 2012

Senior citizen cinema is experiencing somewhat of a boomlet now. Quartet typifies the trend, spinning a gently comedic story about old flames who reunite in a retirement home for musicians and opera singers. It’s a pleasant enough movie, albeit too formulaic to be really interesting.

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WikChip Image Now that's a retirement home.
The Lady Eve
Great 66 Points 1941

Preston Sturges made RomComs that are funny, sexy, glamorous, clever and sophisticated. The Lady Eve proves the point. It still works three quarters of a century later, especially with the proto-modern Barbara Stanwyck as the minx in the middle of a screwball con-game extraordinaire.


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WikChip Image The Lady Eve dress by Edith Head
The Palm Beach ...
Good 66 Points 1942

The Palm Beach Story hasn’t aged well.

A Preston Sturges’ classic, funny and loaded with iconic style, its heavy-handed comedy sometimes clanks.

No? Sue me. I’m into romantic comedies mostly for the comedy, albeit not those with too many pratfalls.

More egregiously, the use of "colo…

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WikChip Video Now this is a trailer. Personality, i...
Really Great 66 Points 2009

Gobs of fun for kids and adults, this high octane spoof features lifelike animation seamlessly blended with live action, mucho LOL, a clever story and hip-kid music. Plus the 3D works splendidly, as fresh an experience as color must have seemed to B&W audiences back in the day.

The story abou…

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WikChip Image One hot chiquita -- human or rodent.
2 Replies
  • Demona – this was a great movie.. I just saw it recently.. I ...
  • Wick – Yep, I took my family to see it and we all loved it.
Hail the Conque...
Very Good 66 Points 1944

Hail The Conquering Hero is a welcome stop on the Tour de Sturges, even if not one of the best.

The Greatest Generation dealt with challenge differently than we 2nd Millenniums do, to put it mildly. Preston Sturges made Hail The Conquering Hero during World War II, right after the Marines…

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WikChip Image Demarest turns Bracken into a hero