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The Long Goodbye
OK 66 Points 1973

More an oddball curiosity than a successful movie, The Long Goodbye dropped a Forties private-eye story into the Seventies. Robert Altman used that juxtaposition to show how times had changed in the twenty years since the Raymond Chandler novel on which the movie is based came out. That it does…

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WikChip Image Altman directs van Pallandt & Gould
Mean Streets
None Yet 0 Points 1973
None Yet 0 Points 1974
The Towering In...
None Yet 0 Points 1974
None Yet 0 Points 1974
The Conversation
Good 66 Points 1974

The Conversation was one of Francis Ford Coppola’s celebrated early Seventies movies, nominated for Best Picture and winner of the Palme d’Or. Deeply accomplished, occasionally fascinating, a time capsule of San Francisco from 1973, it nonetheless disappoints all these decades later.

The min…

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WikChip Video Coppola talks 'The Conversation' in 1974
Girls for Rent
None Yet 0 Points 1974
The Killer Elite
None Yet 0 Points 1975
The Day of the ...
None Yet 0 Points 1975
Dressed to Kill
None Yet 0 Points 1980