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Great 66 Points 2017

The American hero who almost single-handedly defeated institutional racism personified his unique first name. Lots of Marshalls, just one Thurgood, which is why Marshall is a poor title for this stirring biopic. OTOH, Thurgood sounds like a thoroughly good historical drama about Thurgood Mars…

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WikChip Video Thurgood Marshall, American action hero
Professor Marst...
None Yet 0 Points 2017
All the Money i...
Really Great 66 Points 2017

All the Money in the World slays as a kidnapping thriller and as a biopic of the legendary J. Paul Getty, once the world’s richest man. The thriller jumps off to a startling beginning, takes a series of surprising turns, and remains thrilling right up to the well-known ending. That’s a solid sh…

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Molly's Game
Very Good 66 Points 2017

Molly’s Game contains large doses of glamorous sin, sans sex, even though the women are all super sexy. The lack of sex, consensual or #MeToo, makes this R-rated flick rather tame as sexy movies go. That said, Jessica Chastain surely got good money to gamely play the sexy and intrepid Molly Blo…

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WikChip Video Glamorous Sin, Sans Sex
The Upside
Really Great 17 Points 2017

Loved this heart-warmer of a story featuring a trio of all stars: Nicole Kidman, Bryan Cranston and Kevin Hart

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The Greatest Sh...
OK 66 Points 2017

The Greatest Showman is …who again… Hugh Jackman or P.T. Barnum? This is Barnum’s biopic but Jackman’s show, designed to feature who? Jackman, singing and strutting as only Hugh Jackman can do.

The Greatest Showman’s greatest problem is that Jackman likes to be liked. Unfortunately, lik…

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WikChip Video "Everything you'll ever want?" Uh, no.
Great 66 Points 2017

The three men who led the Russian Revolution – Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin – come alive in Trotsky, a 2017 Russian miniseries. Caveat emptor, Trotsky is a Putin-era Russian production that takes some dramatic and therefore historical license, plus features at least one R-rated sex scene per e…

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WikChip Video Global tragedy made sleek and sexy
Clive Davis: Th...
None Yet 0 Points 2017
13 Hours: The S...
Great 83 Points 2016

The 2012 Islamist militia attack on the two U.S. outposts in Benghazi Libya comes alive as a colossal and utterly predictable central-government failure in 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. Truth!

The amazing thing is that only four men died, even if one was Ambassador Chris Stevens…

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WikChip Video Gold Star Parents react to 13 Hours
The Finest Hours
Great 83 Points 2016

Real romance precedes real heroism in The Finest Hours. A retro historical drama and Disnefied true-story of the greatest rescue in Coast Guard history, its tone is as extremely earnest as its story is death-defying.

The romance between Bernie & Miriam Webber defines almost the entire first …

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WikChip Video 36 Men in a 36 Foot Boar