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Middle Men
Very Good 17 Points 2010

Wayne Beering and Buck Dolby stumble on something big. Internet billing for the porn industry. Problem is that Wayne and Buck were two bumbling dudes, it quickly became evident to everyone around that they were in way over their heads. Enter Luke Wilson. With his saavy knack for business and a…

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OK 17 Points 2010

A tale of childhood romance, growing up in the late 50s, and family drama. Rob Reiner assembled a great cast, and weaves a tale of giddy kid-crushes and the back and forth of young love. The movie ends up feeling like a cross between the TV show “Wonder Years” and “The Waltons”. The latt…

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It's Kind of a ...
Good 17 Points 2010

In this case, the movie’s title represents fairly well the content: A kind of a funny movie — but in this case it isn’t a negative. Rather, a great blend of humor with character drama: Take a teenager who over-dramatizes his depression, ends up in a mental hospital for a week, and helps hi…

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Tromeo & Juliet
Very Good 16 Points 1996

William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is one of the most well known stories of the English language. There have been countless versions of the original play to try to make it innovative and different. Well if nothing else Tromeo and Juliet definitely gets the award for being the most different…

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Wristcutters: A...
Really Great 16 Points 2006

The whole point of suicide is supposed to be an escape out of the misery that life can pile up on you. However, what if suicide really wasn’t a way out of anything? What if after committing suicide not only did your existence continue but it led you to a more depressing world void of anything a…

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Sex and the City
Barely OK 10 Points 2008

The Sex and the City movie. The show I adore, ruined by what could have been a great movie. The first hour of this movie is perfect. We get hilarious one-liners from Samantha, and some drama stirring up between Big and Carrie. But as the movie goes on, with it’s 2 and a half hour run time, it dra…

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Sex and the City
Great 10 Points 1998

HBO is a factory of hit TV shows like Six Feet Under, The Wire, True Blood and Sex and the City. Yes, I’ve come to the conclusion… that I love this show. Is it the ridiculous ways these characters act? The over-exaggerated way these characters view life? Is it the cheesy acting? It’s all of the…

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Nick and Norah'...
Very Good 6 Points 2008

A very funny and engaging set-up which will keep you laughing and make you go “awwww…” a the same time. Think Juno meets Superbad.

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Good 5 Points 1979

The beauty of New York City is captured in this comedy/drama from Woody Allen about a middle-aged writer who is rebounding from a bad marriage by dating a 17 year old, while also dating his friend’s mistress. Accented by the use of black and white filming, the movie exposes the duality of our …

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Addicted to Love
OK 5 Points 1997

A quirky and somewhat dark comedy about an astronomer who follows his former fiancee to NYC to stalk her. Yes, the premise of the movie is about stalking former love.

Matthew Broderick plays Sam, who is reeling form getting a ‘Dear John’ letter from his true love, Linda (Kelly Preston). Sam tr…

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