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Ralph Breaks th...
None Yet 0 Points 2018
Fantastic Beast...
OK 66 Points 2018

The Crimes of Grindelwald is also The Parade of Obscurities, so convoluted are its developments over 2¼ hours. Unlike other J.K. Rowling movies, which have generally been discernible despite their depth, Fantastic Beasts 2 makes even the convoluted Avengers: Age of Ultron

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Good 17 Points 2018

The new towering inferno adds a super cool building that gets compromised in super cool new ways. Add Dwayne Johnson and some bad guys, and the result is a decent action thriller.

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Spider-Man: Int...
Perfect 66 Points 2018

Into the Spider-Verse is the best Spider-Man movie ever, by far, and also the best 2018 movie I’ve seen. No surprise, it represents the super-pairing of Stan Lee & Marvel’s Spider-Man with über-brilliant pop culturalist Phil Lord, he of the super smart and buoyantly funny Lego Movie

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WikChip Video Spider-Verse Easter Eggs & Obscure De...
OK 83 Points 2018

Aquaman is a whole lotta waterlogged cheese, almost 2½ hours worth. It’s not a bad movie and certainly an OK time at the movies, but is kinda turgid, as DC movies so often are. Fortunately, the cast saves the day, starting with Jason Momoa, who makes a compelling superhero, if not an especial…

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WikChip Video Easter Eggs for those who want more
Mile 22
Good 17 Points 2018

Mark Wahlberg directs and plays the role of a hyperactive and gifted operative in a wannabe global covert ops flick. Think 24 meets seal team six. Fun action and Wahlberg does ok, but the characters are a bit too frenetic to follow

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Hold the Dark
Very Good 17 Points 2018

This sinister feeling movie in the dark winter of Alaska is full of great visuals and the slow moving plot is worth the wait.

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Johnny English ...
OK 17 Points 2018

Rowan Atkinson does his thing in a typically cheesy British spy comedy

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Good 17 Points 2018

A Solid installment in the auto-bot series for kids (or kids at heart)

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Great 17 Points 2018

A survival story up there with the likes of ‘Cast Away’ or ‘All is Lost’. Arctic starts with a failed rescue attempt — alk about despair from the get go! It was truly painful to watch setback after setback and the amazing strength of will to keep going. Fantastic minimal-dialog dramatic acti…

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