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The Dark Knight...
Really Great 92 Points 2012

The finale of the Dark Knight trilogy rises to the occasion, delivering a compelling and consummately produced big screen experience. Famously long at almost three hours, it does indeed fly by, the rich story and characters well harnessed to Christopher Nolan’s masterful direction, the closure c…

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WikChip Image 1st rate villain = 1st rate action movie
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  • BrianSez – I just saw this yesterday as well. Review forthcomin...
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Toy Story 3
Perfect 92 Points 2010

Flawless. Silly, deep, wonderful and wise, TS3 pegs the perfection meter. Boing!! Purple, purple, purple. Every toy gets its due, every heart string gets plucked, every joke works. Wow, how does Pixar keep doing this? They’re the Jacksons – the Phil Jacksons – of movie making.

TS3 gi…

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WikChip Image Heroes for the Ages: All Ages & All Eras
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Across the Univ...
Great 91 Points 2007

Who’da thunk the best Beatles movie wouldn’t star the Beatles? OK, not the best Beatles movie, but as great a Beatles movie as one could hope for not starring the Beatles, which is pretty damn great. Really.

Across the Universe is arguably the best movie about the Sixties, unarguably set t…

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WikChip Video Sapphic "I Wanna Hold Your Hand"
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Dinner for Schm...
Great 90 Points 2010

Steve Carell channels Jerry Lewis in this very funny comedy of manners. Mean on its face, it’s also cloyingly sweet on occasion, yet its mostly unerring humor slays all objections. Indeed the LOLs are never more than a few minutes away, especially when the “idiots” get untracked.

Yes "idiots…

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WikChip Video Perfect Delivery: "Is it your back?"
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Love Actually
Great 90 Points 2003

As cheerfully commercial Christmas movies go, Love Actually is actually a crappy, er, great one. Stars aplenty populate ten mostly separate love stories, making for a generally lighthearted confection. Writer-director Richard Curtis is a master of these trendy RomComs. Like his "Four Weddings a…

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WikChip Video Cheerful Commercial Crap Video
Harry Potter an...
Perfect 90 Points 2011

Cinematic sensations conclude no better than HP|DH:P2. We’re talking multiple climaxes, legitimate ones. This perfect finale gives us final scenes with most every significant character from the entire magical series, many consisting of just one freighted line, each perfectly crafted, all subl…

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WikChip Image The Noseless One and his Minions
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Very Good 90 Points 2011

Norse mythology – vainglorious and a bit fussy – isn’t everyone’s cup of grog. Yet it inspires a marvelous comik movie. Just this side of campy in the opening reel, Marvel’s latest proves gracious and charming by the middle, then thunderously thrilling in its climactic battle sequences.


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WikChip Image "It's a good look!" blurted Jane.
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Man of Steel
Really Great 90 Points 2013

Man of Steel isn’t lite or frivolous, making it a disappointment to those expecting snark or bubblegum. Christopher Nolan takes heavyweight DC superheroes seriously, first producing, writing and directing The Dark Knight trilogy, an…

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WikChip Image A superior Jor-El begets a super Kal-El
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The Adjustment ...
Barely OK 88 Points 2011

It’s a romantic thriller. No wait, it’s a lame sorta scifi story that never really adds up. Pity, because the strong cast works well, with romantic leads Matt Damon and Emily Blunt demonstrating real chemistry.

How does a misfire like The Adjustment Bureau get made?

You can just see the…

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  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":
Rear Window
Perfect 88 Points 1954

A lavish Hitchcock treat, full of glamour, suspense and wit. The establishing scene is a virtuoso display of filmmaking all by itself, while Grace Kelly graces – there is no other word for it – the silver screen like a goddess amongst mortals.

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  • Wick – Regarding "BigdaddyDave's Review":http://www.viewgui...