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I Love You, Man
Great 71 Points 2009

Bro-larious. 40% LOL, which is damn good, plenty sufficient and about all you can expect, really. The movie amusingly skewers many demographics: brides and grooms, marrieds and singles, slackers and young professionals, gays and straights, not to mention that ever self-indulgent cohort – LA ass…

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Really Great 83 Points 2005

Moviestar movies get no better than this one. Super hot, totally cold and dead-bang funny, this huge hit could have been overwhelmed by the fusion of its soon-to-be-coupled stars. Instead Brangelina’s debut perfectly serves the power-couple satire, even more so in hindsight given how their real…

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WikChip Image Moviestar Chemistry Incarnate
3 Replies
  • Wick – She's so fine she blows my mind. If you hate the mo...
  • MJ5K – But I gotta give it credit where credit is due, Ange...
  • MJ5K – Ugh, I hate this movie. Brad Pitt's an on again, off...
King of the Hill
Really Great 66 Points 1993

King of the Hill is a real life Little Rascals, what with pipsqueak brothers living alone during the Great Depression. Amazingly, it’s the truthy autobiography of A.E. Hotchner, Paul Newman’s pal and business partner. Even if fictional, it would still charm and enlighten, as it’s a perfect fi…

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WikChip Video Charming and Enlightening
Really Great 86 Points 2013

Joe Morgenstern declared Mud an instant classic in the Wall Street Journal. Not sure why, but hell yes.

You almost want to ding Mud for being such a classically terrific movie, but damn if it doesn’t play out as monumentally cinematic yet nearly natural. Kind of a crime caper involving b…

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WikChip Image Leading men, now & then: Matthew & Tye
2 Replies
  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
  • Wick – Regarding "Tripod's Review":
Little Children
Really Great 83 Points 2006

Post-feminist Bovary: Closely observed, brilliantly crafted tale of suburban angst, full of knowing looks, requited lust, and post-modern self-awareness.

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WikChip Video Crisply Constructed Trailer
1 Reply
  • MJ5K – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/2315-li...
Witness for the...
Really Great 66 Points 1957

Starched and stilted, Witness for the Prosecution nonetheless packs one hell of a punch at the end, with glorious detail throughout and a powerhouse cast who are the complete masters of their juicy roles. Nevermind that its theatrical roots show. Agatha Christie knew how to write for max view…

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WikChip Image Wilder angle: Dietrich looks up at Power
Black Widow
Really Great 66 Points 1987

Genre movies get no better than Black Widow, a noirish crime drama that delivers just what its title promises. A stunning woman seduces rich men to marry her, kills them, absconds with their fortunes and finds her next mark. You hardly want her caught, especially if you’re a guy and she’s not…

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WikChip Image Black Widow in Bridal Mode
Intolerable Cru...
Really Great 83 Points 2003

I’d turned up my nose at the Coen Brothers’ Intolerable Cruelty: too brightly lit, too obvious, too fake. Bad call on my part back in the day — Intolerable Cruelty is a really great movie.

Too fake it’s not. Instead it’s wonderfully glib. Gorgeous too.

Gorgeous George Clooney paired…

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WikChip Video Are you nuts? Have you forgotten Kirs...
A Beautiful Mind
Really Great 66 Points 2001

Deeply affecting, intellectually engaging, and terrifically charismatic, A Beautiful Mind established Russell Crowe as an uncommonly talented movie star while also serving as a showcase for director Ron Howard, co-star Jennifer Connelly and everyone else involved with this Oscar-dominating prod…

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WikChip Image Beautiful Math from a Beautiful Mind
Captain Phillips
Really Great 83 Points 2013

Tom Hanks has his best role in years as Captain Rich Phillips, yet ends up second banana to the U.S. Navy in general and the SEALs in particular. The combined effect elevates Captain Phillips to true greatness. That it is also the rare history lesson delivered while still current elevates it …

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WikChip Image The real Captain Phillips in the inset