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Very Good 66 Points 2014

Tragically hip alt-rock crosses over into madness in the under-titled Frank, about a charismatic band leader and his devoted bandmates. Here’s the thing: Frank wears a large fake head, all the time.

Starting in Britain, Frank’s band brings on a guileless recruit before decamping for Ireland,…

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WikChip Image Frank plays guitar.
Amazing Journey...
Great 17 Points 2007

I’ve always just been a casual fan of the Who — I have lots of song favorites, but I’ve never known that much about the band itself. This documentary does a great job of putting you in touch with the band, its history, its music, and especially the personalities of the members Roger Daltrey, Pet…

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Country Strong
Good 17 Points 2011

Drama factory… southern style. Fallen star Kelly (Paltrow) tries to come back from rehab to return to her country greatness. Rising crooner Beau (Hedlund) and beauty queen turned pop-star (Meester) complicate things by creating complicated relationships (with Kelly and each-other). Then thereâ…

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Crossfire Hurri...
None Yet 0 Points 2012
None Yet 0 Points 2005
None Yet 0 Points 1965
Clive Davis: Th...
None Yet 0 Points 2017
The Roaring 20s...
None Yet 0 Points 2011