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Maniac Cop
None Yet Points 1988
The Monster Squad
None Yet Points 1987
A Nightmare On ...
Perfect 25 Points 1984

Nancy (Lagenkamp) begins having horrible dreams. A burned man with knives for finger nails is out to kill her. These nightmares seem so real. The only cure seems to be to avoiding sleeping. After her friend, Tina (Wyss) is murdered she begins to fear these nightmares even more. The suspect for…

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My Bloody Valen...
None Yet Points 1981
Friday The 13th
Very Good 19 Points 1980

Friday the 13th is one of those way overrated 80s horror flicks that is just plain boring. The whole movie consists of a bunch of characters at a camp, and pretty much all they do is look for the killer in between death scenes, and trust me, those death scenes were pretty cool. But it’s just nega…

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Really Great 32 Points 1978

A classic that remains as powerful and amazing as it was nearly 30 years ago. This low budget masterpiece is what horror was originally all about, and spawned generations of imitations, a remake and 7 sequels that never lived up to the same level. This film has developed a cult following and to …

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