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None Yet Points 2008
Friday The 13th
Very Good 19 Points 1980

Friday the 13th is one of those way overrated 80s horror flicks that is just plain boring. The whole movie consists of a bunch of characters at a camp, and pretty much all they do is look for the killer in between death scenes, and trust me, those death scenes were pretty cool. But it’s just nega…

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Friday the 13th
OK 13 Points 2009

Just another run of the mill, middle of the road, not good, not bad, mediocre slasher film. Its got a few moments that’ll appeal to slasher fans but overall it’s just an average slasher, worth a DVD rental but nothing else.

Oh, and last minute of the film, with the ‘surprise ending’, was super…

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Child's Play 3
OK 5 Points 1991

Though you’d probably be hard pressed to find another movie where murder occurs by rubbish truck, “Child’s Play 3” is notable for general insignificance, following up the delightfully mad “Child’s Play 2” with a bland sequel feigning action not just with guns, but paintball guns. Chucky’s (Brad D…

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Child's Play 2
Good 5 Points 1990

In “Child’s Play 2,” the antics of possessed Good Guy doll Chucky (Brad Dourif) are reduced to admittedly competent slasher mechanics, complete with threadbare characters, awkward wardrobes and a teency bit of blood. Lacking in subtlety but nevertheless successful at working a spell on the viewer…

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A Nightmare On ...
Perfect 25 Points 1984

Nancy (Lagenkamp) begins having horrible dreams. A burned man with knives for finger nails is out to kill her. These nightmares seem so real. The only cure seems to be to avoiding sleeping. After her friend, Tina (Wyss) is murdered she begins to fear these nightmares even more. The suspect for…

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