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The Founder
Great 83 Points 2016

The Founder is about the creation of McDonalds, if not necessarily about the founders of McDonalds. Those would be the McDonald brothers, not Ray Kroc, the salesman who turned their creation into a world-changing commercial juggernaut. Michael Keaton dominates this movie, just as Kroc did the M…

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WikChip Video Backstory of The Founder
Kong: Skull Island
Very Good 83 Points 2017

Kong has no dong. It’d be too dangerous, which is why Legendary Pictures won’t go there, even with a post-modern blonde playing the strong woman who has a moment or two with him. Hey, how do we even know Kong is male? No dong, no proof. Beautiful Brie Larson may have had an I kissed a girl expe…

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WikChip Video Land of the Giants
The Death of St...
Good 66 Points 2018

Cults of personality hit peak absurdity when their object dies, as vividly satired in The Death of Stalin. Unfortunately, this political comedy is more smart than funny. Hence, its LOLs are few and far between.

Stalin funny? Yeah, even though he stands nearly alone in megalomaniacal evil, be…

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WikChip Video The Banality of Evil, Satired