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The Big Night
None Yet 0 Points 1951
Larry the Cable...
None Yet Points 2006
1 Reply
  • Wick – Love the review AMC. Writing pans is a hell of a lo...
Gnomeo & Juliet
None Yet 0 Points 2011
Justin Bieber: ...
None Yet 0 Points 2011
Mr. Bean's Holiday
None Yet 0 Points 2007
Hot Rod
None Yet 0 Points 2007
Decoys 2: Alien...
Awful 12 Points 2007

So horrible it almost made it back to good

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Daddy Day Camp
Awful 5 Points 2007

One of the most boring and dummest movies i’ve ever seen. For one you knew what would happen next before it even happened and plus most of slapstick comedy didn’t even make sense. One there was a scene where kids were holding up a skunk, no one would do that, and when the boy was going to vomit i…

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None Yet 0 Points 2007

good movie. makes a person think

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Starship Troope...
None Yet Points 2008