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Robo Vampire
None Yet 0 Points 1988

Zombie vampires, fake RoboCop, ghosts, and Kung Fu, smells like B grade cheese.

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The Perfect Guy
None Yet 0 Points 2015
War Room
None Yet 0 Points 2015
Sinister 2
None Yet 0 Points 2015
None Yet 0 Points
The Gift
None Yet 0 Points 2015
90 Minutes in H...
None Yet 0 Points 2015
Abraxas, Guardi...
None Yet 0 Points 1990

Jesse “The Body” Ventura stars as an alien cop chasing down a deadly fugitive who is after a power that can change our universe. That whole sentence sounds way better than this movie.

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None Yet 0 Points 1987

Think of how cool combining Terminator and RoboCop would be. Too bad THIS isn’t that movie.

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None Yet 0 Points 2015