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The Girl with t...
Great 66 Points 2010

Hollywood must be licking its chops to remake this Swedish hit. Chockablock with career-making roles, combining fashionable anti-capitalist politics with feminist blood-lust, and striking a crisply efficient thriller tone, it suffers only from a poor title, not that that matters given how huge t…

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WikChip Video Good trailer, great movie.
Great 66 Points 2006

Half anthropological study, half snuff film, Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto is fascinating and often breathtaking. Oh yeah, it’s also gratuitously violent, giving full reign to its creator’s sick taste for hand-to-hand savagery.

Mad Mel’s movie canvases a panoply of Mayan curiosities: human sacrif…

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WikChip Image Zero Wolf: Holcane Warrior captain
Barton Fink
Great 66 Points 1991

The Coen Brothers are writers as much as directors, making Barton Fink – a satiric tribute to tortured writers and the demonic pull of Hollywood – more than a little self-reverential. Oops, did I say reverential? Referential, self-referential.

Either way, it’s one of their best movies, not…

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WikChip Video "It's the carrot that wags the dog." ...
Great 78 Points 2002

A rich swamp of a movie, Adaptation teems with genres and ideas, truths and lies, self-referential irony and – not least – outstanding acting. A Florida swamp containing a rare orchid gestates the interlocking stories of a crazed plant dealer, the New Yorker writer who falls for him and the …

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WikChip Image Mellow Meryl after she's had the good...
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Being John Malk...
Great 95 Points 1999

Being John Malkovich is more about being Charlie Kaufman than it is about being John Malkovich. The first movie written by Kaufman is also the first directed by Spike Jonze. Those three proceed to use Malkovich’s public persona as a portal into our fascination with fame – in weirdly entertain…

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WikChip Image Id would like to know who's on first?
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Great 22 Points 1995

A Mel Gibson classic man-movie about William Wallace – the Scottish hero. This film addresses all of your man-movie needs including: A period history with its simple to understand plot, Beautiful women that inspire bravery and revenge, Testosterone laden homeland pride, Swordplay and strength tha…

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Snow White & th...
Great 17 Points 2012

A great twist on a classic tale. No, more than a twist, Huntsman churns everything around to the point that there are only a few similarities left, and when you catch them, it is exciting. Nevertheless, the adaptation is great. A scary and cold Charlize Theron evil queen, a vulnerable yet strong…

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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
American Gigolo
Great 66 Points 1980

American Gigolo kickstarted the Eighties. It made the Seventies suddenly – instantly – yesterday. Unkempt & brassy gave way to sleek & sophisticated, disco to New Wave. How? Gere wearing Armani, driving a Mercedes, listening to Blondie in Schrader’s glimmering California masterpiece, that’s…

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WikChip Video The Call Me intro defined the Eighties
Tinker Tailor S...
Great 83 Points 2011

The best spy movie ever isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Why? Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy unspools its complex story in non-linear fashion via a swirl of supporting characters declaiming with extreme British reserve. Many people thus find the movie nigh on impossible to follow and deadly solemn to …

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WikChip Image Deep Gravitas: Oldman's Quiet Man
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Interview with ...
Great 66 Points 1994

Looking for a real vampire movie? Baroque, bloody, bawdy, not to mention strict with the rules, Interview with the Vampire fits the bill. Indeed, Anne Rice’s celebrated novel led to a quintessential vampire movie: star powered, obsessively detailed and expansively imagined. Even mature movie…

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WikChip Video Feast Your Fangs, er... Eyes on This