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Jackie Brown
Really Great 66 Points 1997

Lesser Tarantino but accomplished Tarantino still, Jackie Brown sports a full house of his filmic qualities. Half a dozen stars unspool a cockamamie but coherent story over 2½ hours, complete with bad guys taking each other out, sudden ends and funny surprises. Then there’s the down and dirty…

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WikChip Image Now that's a cast!
Little Children
Really Great 83 Points 2006

Post-feminist Bovary: Closely observed, brilliantly crafted tale of suburban angst, full of knowing looks, requited lust, and post-modern self-awareness.

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WikChip Video Crisply Constructed Trailer
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Really Great 66 Points 2003

A superbly crafted film about a sympathetic sociopath, Monster deserves to be appreciated for much more than Charlize Theron’s Oscar-winning performance as serial killer Aileen Wuornos. For instance, it deftly shows a seamy side of American society, the confounding and sometimes tragic forces …

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WikChip Image Fully Committed: Theron's Wuornos all In
A Beautiful Mind
Really Great 66 Points 2001

Deeply affecting, intellectually engaging, and terrifically charismatic, A Beautiful Mind established Russell Crowe as an uncommonly talented movie star while also serving as a showcase for director Ron Howard, co-star Jennifer Connelly and everyone else involved with this Oscar-dominating prod…

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WikChip Image Beautiful Math from a Beautiful Mind
Out of Sight
Really Great 66 Points 1998
Out of Sight and into the pantheon of crime-comedies – start with Stephen Soderburgh directing George Clooney in an Elmore Leonard story. Speaking of gorgeous, J-Lo gets into the trunk with G-Cloo.

Other positives: Bright bluesy opening; Danny DeVito’s Jersey Films producing; Clooney, youn…

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WikChip Image Trunk Spooning: Meet Cute Classic
The Secret in T...
Really Great 66 Points 2010

More than your ordinary police procedural, this affecting Argentine import includes a decidedly grown-up office romance & insight into Perón’s Argentina. Veteran Law & Order director Juan José Campanella deserves his Best Foreign Language Oscar for an &1 if nothing else.1

His film’s two…

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WikChip Video Argentine Law & Order Writ Large
Wayne's World
Really Great 66 Points 1992

The original Wayne’s World was and is a great movie. It’s been repeated and overexposed since, coming on top of originating as a popular SNL sketch featuring Wayne and his even funnier friend Garth Algar. Fortunately it recaptures more than a little of its power when you’ve been away from it…

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WikChip Video Garth Foxy Lady: Dana Carvey rocks
Get on Up
Really Great 66 Points 2014

Get on Up joins the pantheon of great rock biopics, memorializing James Brown as a seminal rockstar whose power, pomp and circumstances paved the way for the Rolling Stones, Michael Jackson, Sly & the Family Stone, hip-hop and every other form of funkable & funkadelic music. Get on Up gets on…

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WikChip Video James Brown ✫ Please, Please, Pleas...
Get Shorty
Really Great 66 Points 1995

Is there a more enjoyable Elmore Leonard movie or charismatic John Travolta movie than Get Shorty? So what if it’s a trifle, a light crime-comedy. It’s a movie about the love of movies, which it celebrates with sleek Hollywood panache, rich Elmore Leonard flair and charming details. In short, *…

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WikChip Video Chili Palmer gets lost in Touch of Evil
Steve Jobs
Really Great 66 Points 2015

Steve Jobs iconified the foundation myth of Silicon Valley: brash, brilliant, started in a garage, changed the world, got stupidly rich. It was done before him and it’s been done several times since, but never as purely or dramatically. His career had more twists than a double-helix. Wannabe Stev…

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WikChip Video Woz tells off Jobs in spectacular fas...
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  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":