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Blood Father
Really Great 66 Points 2016

An awkward title is about the only thing wrong with Blood Father, a terrific piece of pulp fiction starring a never better Mel Gibson. Bad Dad would be a better title, what with Bad Moms all over the multiplexes right now. That said, this dark…

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WikChip Video Mel knows AA meetings from real life.
Blue Jasmine
Great 86 Points 2013

Cate Blanchett transfixes in Woody Allen’s superior dramedy Blue Jasmine. Playing the Jasmine of the title, Blanchett goes from Park Avenue socialite to broken vixen in a performance that masterfully oscillates between elegance and rawness. That last almost assures her an Academy Award nomina…

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WikChip Image The great Cate in Chanel & pearls w ...
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Blue Valentine
Great 83 Points 2011

Everyone’s seen doomed relationships. The one in Blue Valentine is doomed six ways from Sunday.

He drinks too much. She needs more than loves him, while he loves her obsessively. She obsesses on troubles and flaws, her’s mostly. He’s childlike; she’s forced to grow up. Doomed? Oh y…

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WikChip Video Oddly endearing song - and movie.
Body of Lies
Good 83 Points 2008

Given the dismal state of Islamist terror movies, this surprisingly evenhanded thriller tops the heap, though its disjointed plot comes together slowly and Leonardo DiCaprio’s CIA character lacks charisma. Fortunately he’s flanked by two great actors, the estimable Russell Crowe and the slickly …

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Borat: Cultural...
Good 66 Points 2006

A comedic classic of dubious progeny, uncertain impact, and consistent low blows.

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Perfect 83 Points 2014

Boyhood is the first Great American Movie of 2014. It profiles the emergence of a slacker, delivered as the insightful backstory of an aimless guy who ends up haunting the streets of Austin. Through that Texan lens, the great Richard Linklater has created a transcendent portrait of 21st century…

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WikChip Image The Linklater Family Values Players
Bride Wars
Really Great 20 Points 2009

What a fun movie! This tale of two best friends coming to blows because of a screwed-up wedding date carries its viewers along on a very funny, and at times saddening, series of events that can only be every woman’s nightmare! This romantic comedy/chick flick is a great one to watch as a date mov…

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Good 78 Points 2011

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue: Bridesmaids has ’em all. Concocted to score with young women, adult comedy fans of both sexes will also find this post-post-feminist movie genuinely funny, albeit not riotously funny.

Let’s start with something old: thirtysom…

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WikChip Video Bridesmaids' Featurette
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Broken City
Very Good 66 Points 2013

A tremendous cast makes short work of an overwrought but underdone story in Broken City. Crowe, Wahlberg and Zeta-Jones are the single-namers, and Kyle Chandler should be. They’re not all. The strong supporting cast includes Barry Pepper, luscious Natalie Martinez and engaging newcomer Britn…

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WikChip Image Katherine Zeta-Jones' star turn
Broken Embraces
Great 66 Points 2009

Penélope Cruz plays the object of desire for two powerful men, a handsome filmmaker and a rapacious businessman, in Broken Embraces. Hmm, Pedro Almodóvar’s latest creation includes more than a little wish fulfillment, doesn’t it: He projects himself as the virile lover of his muse and conjures…

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WikChip Image Kept Woman on the Verge of a Breakdown