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Very Good 88 Points 2012

A big Bondian miasma, dark and steely, Skyfall marks a solid chapter in the half century superspy series. Big it is – nearly two and a half hours, though it doesn’t feel overlong; complete with massive explosions and huge fights; full of big, big moviestars, including a first rate supervillain…

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WikChip Image Classic: Bond & M with DB5 in Scotland
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Win Win
Really Great 88 Points 2011

Win Win has become such a cliche, yet is anything but in the entirely winning movie of that title. Cleverly mining today’s uneven economy, the uneasy equality of modern marriages, the unjust world of neglected kids, and not least, the under-appreciated sport of high school wrestling, Win Win

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WikChip Video Who says meaningful auteur cinema is ...
The Hangover Pa...
Good 88 Points 2011

Go in with expectations lowered and laugh your ass off. Self-conciously redundant and even more misanthropic, Part II feels like The Hangover’s hangover. That said, it’s funny as hell. LOL bombs rain down early and often.

It’s also distinctly edgier than the original. Yes that’s possibl…

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WikChip Image Dorky Doctor Marries Another Doll
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Source Code
Very Good 88 Points 2011

Source Code’s a challenging movie to like. I found myself not liking it for the first half, then kinda liking it, then really liking it, only to back off at the end to kinda really liking it. Complicated? Yep, complexity overload is part of its problem. Yet Duncan Jones’ sophomore picture r…

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WikChip Image Michelle Monaghan: Adorable Deamgirl
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Our Idiot Brother
Very Good 88 Points 2011

Lots of pretty people delivering razor sharp comedy atop an idiotic premise makes for a very good movie. The central conceit of Our Idiot Brother – Paul Rudd’s absurdly guileless fool, a.k.a. the Idiot Brother – gets just this side of tedious however. Fortunately the whole thing is more than a…

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WikChip Image Elizabeth Banks: Uptown Gorgeous
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
Guardians of th...
Really Great 88 Points 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy is an overstuffed taco of a superhero movie, chockfull of countless characters, considerable whimsy and confounding story lines. The crazy-ass result approaches blockbuster perfection.

Star Trek for a New Generation? Absolutely, complete with a basso-profundo destroy…

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WikChip Video Who are the Guardians of the Galaxy?
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Pacific Rim
Very Good 88 Points 2013

The matchless mind of Guillermo del Toro comes through on his biggest canvas yet. His Pacific Rim is perfectly attuned to the neural frequencies of 13 year-old males. Yield to it, be one with it, drift inside its richly envisioned adolescent outlook, and the movie is a near continuous tickle….

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WikChip Image Yup, this movie just got turned up to...
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Good 86 Points 2012

Oliver Stone loves making drug-trade movies, war movies and especially drug war movies. So a California drug war makes an ideal subject for his obsessions. Savages – the title flaunts its nihilistic appeal – fills the bill. Speaking of flaunting, Stone’s movie sports rich ingredients but nev…

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WikChip Image Salma Hayek -- Cleopatra Kingpin
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":http://www.viewguide.c...
The Way, Way Back
Perfect 86 Points 2013

The Way, Way Back is the perfect summer movie from this Summer of `13. It opens and closes with a painfully awkward teen in the late, lamented way-way-back of a 1970 Buick Estate Station Wagon.

In between he spends a life-changing summer at the beach house of his mom’s asshole boyfriend, pl…

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WikChip Image Awkward boy meets way, way cool girl
2 Replies
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The Blind Side
Very Good 86 Points 2009

A three hanky weeper of the best kind – uplifting and funny. I was fortunate to watch it in the darkened cabin of an overnight flight to London, otherwise the tears streaming down my face would have been noticeable to others. But a good man-cry

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WikChip Image Momma's Boy: The real Michael Oher