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Pitch Perfect 3
None Yet 0 Points 2017
Good 17 Points 2017

Great premise, great cast, but something was off. Matt Damon’s character; he never fulfills the potential for something really funny. The movie isn’t a total flop. It has several moderately funny moments and the whole premise of miniaturization has you wondering about the benefits should it eve…

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Father Figures
Good 66 Points 2017

Father Figures gets in touch with the inner child lurking just below the surface of several grown men, making it an emblematic comedy of our infantilized time. Fortunately, it’s a pretty funny one, worth a play.

There’s one terrific scene, when an unusually confident Ed Helms picks up an unu…

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WikChip Video Bradshaw & Simmons: Father Figures
Just Getting St...
None Yet 0 Points 2017
The Meyerowitz ...
Very Good 17 Points 2017

What happens when a family full of 1st world child trauma and most of the Jewish cliché profiles imaginable come together for a weekend in New York. Oh, and done by possibly the best-ever cast of dry-comedy wielding actors? Absolute hilarity! See this movie.

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I, Tonya
Great 17 Points 2017

Margot Robbie was great, but Allison Janney shows why she got the Oscar in I Tonya. Before seeing this, I had no idea about the poor white trash background of the skater’s mom who routinely used phrases like “lick my a$$” and chain-smoked her way through Tonya’s life. The move was great and a ho…

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Lady Bird
Great 17 Points 2017

Saoirse Ronan and Laurie Metcalf are excellent in this heart-touching coming of age story. Saoirse is the self-named ‘Lady Bird’ – put in to Catholic school by her over bearing mom to save her from the streets of Sacramento. The story runs the usual gamut of parental relations, love, clique-y h…

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The Upside
Really Great 17 Points 2017

Loved this heart-warmer of a story featuring a trio of all stars: Nicole Kidman, Bryan Cranston and Kevin Hart

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Logan Lucky
Great 17 Points 2017

Steven Soderbergh creates a tongue in cheek classic about down on their luck brothers who decide on reversing their fortunes via a hillbilly heist. The homeboy humor deserves a cult following if it doesn’t already have one. The cast alone is worth it with Channing Tatum, Katie Holms, Adam Driver,…

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Thor: Ragnarok
Perfect 83 Points 2017

Marvel puts it all together for one of their very best movies yet in Thor: Ragnarok, an absolutely terrific blockbuster, and a damn funny one at that. Crayon colored, heavenly inspired, charismatically performed, deeply rooted yet easily accessible, it would be great even it weren’t a sophistic…

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WikChip Video Cool Minutiae. Beware spoiler at the ...
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  • Wick – Regarding "Wick's Review":
  • BrianSez – Regarding "Wick's Review":