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Another Gay Seq...
None Yet 0 Points 2008
None Yet 0 Points 1990
Bad 17 Points 2011

An embarrassing attempt to re-create Dudley Moore’s halfway decent 1981 comedy. Too bad, because I would have thought that Russel Brand would have been perfect had the writing not been so awful. One of the scenes in the film is Russel Brand wooing Greta Gerwig in Grand Central station. As I c…

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Very Good 17 Points 2015

Quirky goodness from Mickey Rourke, Natt Wolff, Emma Roberts, and Sarah Silvermann. The cast works well together through an unlikely set of circumstances: namely a nerdy kid trying out for football and getting life advice from a career hit man. Mickey especially seems to have settled in to a g…

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Assassination o...
None Yet 0 Points 2008
None Yet 0 Points 2013
Austin Powers
None Yet 0 Points 1997
Baby Geniuses
None Yet 0 Points 1999
Back to School
Good 66 Points 1986

More funny than corny, which is saying something because this well done caricature comedy is enthusiastically corny. Back to School was mostly a platform for Rodney Dangerfield to bring his Vegas shtick to a younger generation. It received a jolt of youthful hipness from a young Robert Downey…

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WikChip Video Street Smart vs. Book Smart
Bad Boys
None Yet 0 Points 1995