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Super 8
Really Great 83 Points 2011

Spielbergian indeed — middle school kids running their own show, parents stricken with tragedy, lots of bike riding, police cruisers and one big honking Air Force train in one hell of a crash.

Cincinnati, we’ve got a problem.

And America’s got a really great summer blockbuster. Set in mid…

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WikChip Image The Older Sister: Amanda Michalka
More Than a Game
Really Great 83 Points 2008

Ain’t no better basketball movie than this boys-to-men documentary about LeBron James and his brothers-in-hoops. Even better, More Than a Game can be enjoyed equally well by non-basketball fans because it’s also a brilliant and touching portrait of half a dozen contemporary African-American mal…

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WikChip Image A man leads his team of boys into man...
Ready Player One
Great 83 Points 2018

Ready Player One is plenty of fun, yet is leavened by SciFi seriousness. It’s also kind of a cult movie, yet worked for a newbie like me. The more pop culture you know, especially 80s pop culture, the more fun it is.

Steven Spielberg’s best SciFi in 25 years is often an extended visual tickl…

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WikChip Video Hundreds of Easter Eggs, yikes
Kill the Irishman
Great 83 Points 2011

Who knew there was another only-in-America mobster story ideally suited for a biographical crime movie? Kill the Irishman is that movie and Danny Greene is the mobster it brings to life, a self-made man who rose to run a large swath of the Cleveland rackets in the Seventies. It’s a rich story, …

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WikChip Video Smart, Perspicacious, Controlled, Brutal
Flash of Genius
Very Good 83 Points 2008

Flash of Genius is an involving and interesting, albeit frustrating, biopic of a guy who succeeds at invention, fails at business and craters at life. It’s well recommended for those interested in cars and/or entrepreneurs, and for fans of Greg Kinnear.

Being a successful inventor wasn’t en…

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WikChip Image Kearns through a windshield doggedly
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/1688-fl...
OK 83 Points 2014

A tin-can story full of tinny moments jolts a great cinema cyborg back to life, disappointingly. Sadly, the Robocop reboot suffers from a lack of heart, a surfeit of silly sardonicism and too much shallow bombast.

It does feature three great performances from three great moviestars: Samuel …

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WikChip Image RoboCop meets his maker: Oldman
The Iceman
Great 83 Points 2013

Pity The Iceman – the movie, not the Mafia hitman. Great mob movies are broadly treasured, even more when they’re about real guys who committed real crimes. And yet this one has flown under the radar.

Six-four, with big Polish hands, the Iceman could take anybody and often did, mostly unde…

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WikChip Video Serious Business
Don Jon
Great 83 Points 2013

Heterosexual relationships circa 2013 get skewered in Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s smoking hot opus Don Jon. The awkward title – albeit bold in its simplicity – undersells what an accomplished undertaking this is by JGL, who continues a long running ascent towards Hollywood immortality.

His hig…

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WikChip Image Father-Son bonding
The Next Three ...
Very Good 83 Points 2010

Any engaging thriller starring Russell Crowe makes for a better than average movie, even if this one isn’t getting the credit it deserves. So what if it’s implausible to the point of surrealism. Such reality liberties are the way of the world these days. Fortunately they lead to more than a fe…

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WikChip Video Implausible, OK. Engaging & thrilling...
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  • Wick – Regarding "BrianSez's Review":/movie_reviews/3104-th...
Great 83 Points 2015

Mike Webster was a hero of mine, at a time when heroes were very, very influential in a young man’s life. Iron Mike Webster snapped the ball to Terry Bradshaw in four Super Bowls, all of which the Steelers won – my Steelers. He famously wore short-sleeves and no arm-pads to not get grabbed by def…

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WikChip Video ABC News covers Concussion